Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] i would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , my guard was now so strong that I would wake myself up rather than allow myself to eat , even in a dream .
2 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
3 The reception for visiting supporters was so different that I would like to comment .
4 If the hon. Member for Fife , Central dislikes the idea of reviews , it suggests that his attitude to public expenditure is less rigorous than I would have expected .
5 Yes , now I would n't slur those quite so much as I would make that all legato .
6 ‘ Cup rugby would also have appealed to me , but I 'm not so sure that I would have been so enthusiastic about playing in a league , ’ Cranmer says .
7 ‘ My imagination is n't so impoverished that I would invent a name like Jones , ’ she came back .
8 But , being this near to the centre of town , has affected us much more than I would have thought .
9 I had n't eaten since my snackette supper the night before and I was so hungry that I would have eaten almost anything , even a plate of my grandmother 's famously awful creamed ham and carrots , the only dish I know to have been inspired by vomit .
10 ‘ I am not so complacent that I would say they wo n't become a formidable competitor but for now they are not , ’ Jonathan Martin , head of sport at the BBC , said .
11 Mala 's voice from my pendant , sounding less anxious that I would have like .
12 I just wanted to s erm congratulate er whoever it was and put together the curriculum er programme which secured the three quarters of a million pound for all those which will I , I think I can understand extremely competitive and I would like to erm give credit to there because that will be enormously for the business which will give proper jobs er which is er very useful to the environment and , and , and really just to record erm that , that particular er success .
13 He was less sympathetic than I would have expected , but I am sure that he will send her home if she is unwell . ’
14 And erm but it was most inspiring But I would appreciate it even more now
15 To conclude on such a vast subject as this is not easy but I would like to make the following points .
16 If I knew how to make copies of myself , I 'm not sure that I would give the project high priority in competition with all the other things I want to do : why should I ?
17 But even had I been told something of the nature of their relationship , I am not sure that I would have understood or believed , or felt betrayed .
18 We are disappointed that he left Leeds , but I 'm not sure that I would have regarded 2.75 million as money well-spent on a player of his type .
19 Even in these relatively heated times , I am not sure that I would wish to use such a word as fraud against the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) .
20 Since there was no picture with June 's letter I was not aware that I would end up with the cable I was looking for .
21 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
22 The whole object looks more Byzantine than I would have guessed , an effect heightened by the pendants which hang from each side .
23 Emily was altogether more cheerful than I would have expected from her circumstances .
24 When I first met these ideas , I was reluctant to accept them , because they seemed to suggest that our knowledge of the world is more unreliable than I would like to think .
25 ‘ Wales have made enormous strides , but I would like to see them being more creative before I would say they are a real force again . ’
26 Both Betsan and I would like to add our congratulations on your merited honour .
27 The car 's just a practical thing to me , I mean I like to drive around in comfort , everybody likes a nice car , I 'm not saying that , but to go to the extreme of spending what would say , seventy or eighty thousand pounds on a Porsche , I 'd have to be really , really rich before I would consider the luxury of having a Porsche .
28 I found cranking the boat over on its side did not help to turn it ( in the opposite direction ) as much as I would expect in a sea kayak .
29 Well , we 've made some progress in some areas , but not as much as I would 've liked , although I intend to keep working at it .
30 ‘ I do n't like making excuses , but I have n't been able to practice as much as I would want .
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