Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jane Austen is less descriptive than either the Gothic novelists or Scott , for although her letters are full of domestic detail and she enjoins her sister , Cassandra , to omit nothing in her account of a house — ‘ For one 's own dear self , one ascertains & remembers everything ’ — novels are not written for ‘ one 's own dear self ’ , and she was not one to inflict what she did not enjoy — ‘ your descriptions are often more minute than will be liked ’ , she warns her niece , Anna Austen , an aspiring writer .
2 He was on his way south from a place called Nunyerry when , he said , monsoon clouds forced him to fly lower and lower into the Turner Ranges , one of those areas of outback Australia that are so inhospitable that even the local animals hibernate below ground .
3 Jenny was heartily relieved that the recent bad weather had made the track so muddy that even the passionate and rather drunk Ted had not dared go any further .
4 As with all the other special effects of camp environment , those produced by sex starvation were not organically different but merely the ordinary trends aggravated and emphasized .
5 Already the biggest obstacle to the dissemination of improved techniques of mud building is that scientists and housing experts have decried mud so much that even the poor , who have no alternative to mud , do not want to live in it .
6 The Big Bang was violent — so violent that only the smallest bits of atomic particles could have survived .
7 Labour council leader John Williams said the pedestrianisation of Skinnergate and High Row was long overdue and just the first step in a town improvement strategy .
8 The food was so hard that even the small denizens of the forest had left it alone .
9 ‘ But the problem about heroin is that the money is so good that even the good people do it ’ .
10 The area was so poor that even the dead rats in the street looked as though they had died of hunger .
11 What I suggest to you is far more officers than the three you gave evidence of perhaps five or even the full six at some stage found their way into that master bedroom .
12 And everything about her , her long nightdress and the mist she was held in , was so golden-red that even the dark gold skin of her lovely face had a reddish tinge to it .
13 The planet p' is so small that even the biggest available telescopes can not possibly observe it ; the experimental astronomer applies for a research grant to build yet a bigger one .
14 The bearer pulled him into a passage so thin that even the narrowest of stalls could not wedge itself in .
15 The Conservatives won an overall majority of ninety , with the opposition split into three factions , but the Labour Party much stronger than either the Asquithian or the Lloyd George Liberals .
16 There is a very strong link between the list that I have read out and the authorities whose councillors advocated non-payment — Lambeth , for instance , whose councillors were so bad that even the Labour party had to remove them from office .
17 Environmentalists claim that there is insufficient evidence to argue that dioxins are not harmful and therefore the precautionary principle should be enforced , and a ban be placed on all chlorine bleaching .
18 Mixing different tartans is not easy and probably the best advice is to keep one colour common throughout .
19 It was thus inevitable that whenever the official limit was declared higher than the 50 hectolitre/7,500 kilogram mark , Champagne 's critics would declare that it was over-producing and its reputation would be tarnished .
20 The maitre d'hôtel was not impressed and eventually the Japanese boy , like the others , had to admit defeat .
21 It seemed a long moment while they remained thus immobile and then the young woman put her head and shoulders down and rushed like an eight-year-old , knees doubling up and arms pounding .
22 The use of translation is the most obvious but not the only problem in the transmission of what are cultural as well as intellectual texts .
23 The centrodorsal plate is usually conspicuous but not the primary plates .
24 The resulting aircraft is much more versatile than even the legendary DC-3 and avoids the ever increasing costs of maintaining and operating a piston engined aircraft — turbine fuel is available worldwide but fuel for reciprocating engines is available in an ever diminishing number
25 But on a much longer time-scale , involving thousands of years , they behave differently and can ‘ flow ’ like a highly-viscous liquid , millions of times more viscous than even the stickiest treacle .
26 For just the same reason , it is vanishingly improbable that exactly the same evolutionary pathway should ever be travelled twice .
27 No wonder Milton was aware that the ways of God needed more justifying than even the greatest of English epics could contrive to do ; and Paradise Lost , as Empson believed , is a poem more than occasionally conscious of the ultimate injustice of the dogma of atonement , and it thrives poetically on its contradictions .
28 I suppose this might be taken as perhaps a basic statement of Impressionist doctrine , and we know , incidentally , that the fictional painter in À la recherche , Elstir , who plays a very important role in the novel , perhaps more important than either the fictional writer , Bergotte , or the fictional musician , Vinteuil , that Elstir was modelled in considerable part on Monet .
29 Perhaps even more disturbing than just the two points they have earned in six games , is the one goal they have scored in those matches .
30 A first time garden is usually small and certainly the typical one I am imagining for this series is no more than 40ft x 20ft and surrounded on all sides by other houses .
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