Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I should be most grateful if you would discover the results of your search and gather the rest of our colleagues in the great hall . ’
2 I would be most grateful if you would make some inquiries to find out what is preventing DGXI from responding courteously to our invitations ?
3 I would be most grateful if you would telephone and speak to either Heidi or me to let me know if and when this would be convenient for you .
4 I feel sure this is an error caused by logistical difficulties , but I would be most grateful if you could clarify the exact current position with regard to your determined action to have this important section of road removed from the proposed Network .
5 I would be most grateful if you could pass this information on to any representative of your sport whom you think may wish to attend the conference .
6 I would be most grateful if you could identify them .
7 I would be most grateful if you could arrange the standing order as attached on my account , to take effect from 1 May 1993 until further notice .
8 I would be most grateful if you could spare me a few moments of your time . ’
9 I understand the facility fee for our filming will be 75 and I would be most grateful if you could send me an invoice in due course .
10 I would be most grateful if you could send the print as soon as possible to : Please send the invoice to me at our office in Welshpool .
11 I should be most grateful if you could send the Library a copy of the above work .
12 If this report is available to the public , I should be most grateful if you could send a copy to the Library .
13 I would be most grateful if you could cast your eye over the script ; the one area that seems to have gone a little awry is the Language Review but I 'm sure we can sort this out during the shoot .
14 I have enclosed a copy and would be most grateful if you could find the time to scan through it to see if I have made any errors of fact or tactics .
15 I 'd be most grateful if you could help me .
16 I should be most grateful if you could include the Library 's name on your mailing list to receive a copy of the first and subsequent numbers of the above periodical .
17 Mr Syms and I would be most grateful if you could come and visit us , perhaps on a Sunday .
18 I would be most grateful if you could recommend and advise me on the aforementioned , plus compressors .
19 As the house is of the Georgian period , I was thinking of oak as a possibility , but I would be most grateful if you could let me know what other types of wood are suitable , either hardwood or softwood , including some of the foreign hardwoods that are now available .
20 I would be most grateful if you could let me know what more , if anything , I have to do to submit an application to WWF/UK for grant-aid towards the costs of preparing and presenting our case .
21 We should be most grateful if you could let us have your thoughts either as soon as possible or by the next QT day ( September 21st ) .
22 for the convenience of the house I 'd be most grateful if he could tell us , is this board a quango that he 's referred to ?
23 While his arguments about capital punishment are still of great relevance , it now seems rather odd that it could have been thought necessary to have to argue against the use of torture for extracting confessions .
24 So it would be rather interesting if we could have some sort of comparison .
25 Brownie Owl continued : ‘ I think Farmer Bolsover is mostly afraid that we might do damage to his crops by not keeping to the paths , or taking a fancy to the fruit in his orchard . ’
26 One can understand a steam locomotive appearing wreathed in smoke and surplus steam to fascinate the unsuspecting person and seemingly so solid that one could reach out and touch it , but a Deltic ?
27 And it 's only right that we should say how it 's spent .
28 We represent over four million levy paying members , the trade unions that is , and it 's only right that they should have a proper say in the election of the Lad Labour leader , not just the thirty percent as is being suggested here .
29 Although I am down , I still have my pride and dignity and so I thought it only right that I should remove all the silverware I had brought to the club from the trophy cabinet : my cycling proficiency medal , the Mitchley Majorettes runners-up trophy I nicked from their carnival float , my Winston Churchill commemorative coin and the photograph of Michel Platini and myself talking football outside Broadcasting House whilst both waiting to secure Bruce Forsyth 's autograph .
30 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
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