Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If Zen had survived more or less intact all this time it was thanks to the instinct that was telling him to leave now .
2 You next time you come to do it you 'll be doing you 'll remember nearly as much as we 're doing today but perhaps some odd little bits you 'll think , ooh now how did we do that I ca n't quite work out .
3 I realize with a shock that those tanks are moving down this same peaceful street I 'm now walking along .
4 Even with only half those Spanish coins he could buy all he wanted and more .
5 Lord Harris agreed to be chairman and a group of academics , about half of those whom Robertson had approached , turned up to an informal first meeting at Dean 's Yard , Westminster ( ‘ Suddenly all these distinguished geezers I had spoken to on the phone were there in this room ’ ) .
6 It has 48 pages for you to write down all those important things you have to remember , plus some jokes and puzzles on the back cover .
7 And he was so puppyish that first time they came round together to my place .
8 Former political prisoner Farouk Okullu told an Old Bailey judge he lashed out in desperation because his private parts were extremely sensitive following agonising torture he was subjected to in a Ugandan jail .
9 Not that syrupy old Whatsisname you told me about at the beginning …
10 I just hope those fish died from the oil , not some other weird substance they 're messing with here , she thought .
11 ‘ After Gavin slotted over those first three kicks we never thought we would lose , ’ said the hooker .
12 yeah , one of the woman at work she 's a right stuck up old silly old bugger she is !
13 There was a lovely tree outside old Boots shop there they took all them away and put these little ones down the middle and I also brought it up when they did Weekday Cross they took the trees which had only been there a few years they took them all down and put put some others up some little twiggly things you know .
14 Crouched over the table at home endeavouring to scarf up all those little facts they required of you in those days ( what is Bauxite ? when should you employ j'eusse , tu eusses , il eusse ? what are the consequences of heating copper in a stream of chlorine gas ? ) and praying that the fuckers would leave the lights on until you 'd done just this bit ?
15 Both are lower in calories than practically any other first course you might pick — if they are enjoyed without buttered rolls .
16 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
17 but now this last few years we , it 's a lot warmer winter than we , than we remember at the beginning
18 You made great play on how , ooh advertising is going to pay for it all , out of a budget of about sixty odd thousand pounds you 've got fifteen hundred pounds in in advertising .
19 Oh by the way Miss Hall do you know anything , said P C Garfield , well said Jane I was n't going to tell , but I think Mr Sandy and their assistant knows something about it , because about twelve thirty this morning I was going to report about the cobwebs and dampness on the walls and I heard Mr Sandy and his assistant talking in the back room .
20 wood machine , they 're doing about thirty odd thousand revs you know , so I mean
21 Zare is delighted to have a simple and comparatively inexpensive extreme ultraviolet source he can use in his laboratory ; both the laser and the pulsed value are standard commercial products .
22 As we walked around this pretty little island we were charmed by the friendliness of the local people .
23 Probably even all those long walks she says she takes are a pretence to put me off .
24 You never wanted to discuss your work , you would n't talk to me about any personal problems ; sometimes I used to think that there was n't one single damned thing we could talk about . ’
25 She wondered how many other such eagles she had blindly passed .
26 In verse writing , as in virtually any other human activity we may think of , there are thresholds to be reached and crossed : below a certain threshold of practice and expertise , the attitude of the amateur produces only work that is ‘ amateurish ’ ( and heaven knows , we see plenty of that all around us ) ; above a certain threshold of facility , the attitude of the professional produces work that is glib , facile , heartless , and academic — and we see plenty of that , too .
27 It is assumed John travelled first as a student , to Paris and perhaps elsewhere in France ; then he travelled countless times to the curia on the business of his master Theobald , archbishop of Canterbury ; and from his letters we know of at least two other major pilgrimages he undertook from his exile at Rheims in the 1160s .
28 Rovers ' one-time record buy is also loving life at homely Ewood Park , after manager Kenny Dalglish decided that however many more expensive players he might sign Mimms remained his number one .
29 I had in fact made my own labels using some vulgarly bright pink fluorescent cardboard I had found lying about .
30 That very quick grey shy look she puts on , like a little lance .
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