Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She loved the night sky , brilliant with stars , which to her town dweller 's eyes , seemed much nearer to earth here in East Anglia .
2 Japan 's Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications is considering constructing optical communications networks as public projects , in recognition that competition has made companies such as Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp less willing to invest heavily in construction — NTT and other common carriers would be permitted to operate the networks , which the Ministry hopes would be used for broadcasting too .
3 Ignoring short term variation and age effects will tend to overestimate variation in male success relative to variation in female success , which is usually less strongly age-dependent in polygynous species ( see Fig. 23.2 ) and less likely to vary widely from day to day .
4 Eight European countries were represented at the meeting , and apart from the official business conducted there , it was extremely useful to chat informally about matters of common interest .
5 Not if it means that company directors are literally unable to talk sensibly to outsiders .
6 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
7 The whole tenor of Acton 's approach was to insist on the primacy of medical knowledge — dismissing popular beliefs , especially those put forward by midwives , as dangerous quackery .
8 This is extremely difficult to justify either in terms of legislative intent , or in terms of the relative competence of the two institutions .
9 To make a character worse than oneself it is only necessary to release imaginatively from control some of the bad passions which , in real life , are always straining at the leash ; the Satan , the Iago , the Becky Sharp , within each of us , is always there and only too ready , the moment the leash is slipped , to come out and have in our books that holiday we try to deny them in life .
10 Hence it is not possible to claim conclusively by observation of expenditure figures that standards of health care today have improved compared to forty years ago , nor that the standards in the UK today are worse than those in other industrialised countries .
11 Perhaps his own impatient temperament made this especially essential in his case : I myself fled to the wilderness when it proved no longer possible to live harmoniously with men , who , admittedly , were a frequent obstacle to my inner joy .
12 I think that Mr has lost his bet because we are a party who is not obsessed by ideology we are not prepared to act indefinitely like bulls in a china shop when the owners of the shop have an infinite supply of china We want to move forward and we want to move forward in the real world and the idea that a strong government and sticking to what you want through thick and thin when clearly you 're not going to get the result you want , as indeed the government did over the poll tax , in the end you have to recognise the reality the Labour group , as much as anything else , are part of that reality .
13 Not much to choose either between Ards and Cliftonville who meet at the Oval in the other semi-final on Friday night .
14 It 's generally cheaper to steer clear of garage manufacturers ' own hire purchase schemes unless the quoted APR is unusually low .
15 If the attempt was made and failed , the organisation would be discredited and no longer able to intervene decisively in Ulster affairs .
16 The narrowest , Pound Street , passed between a lake and an overhanging church wall ( both features still exist in 1982 — the roads to have been served were largely those served currently by London Country buses ) .
17 Still , a Government lately inclined to talk nostalgically about communities might well reflect on whether the actions of a Timex could be said to mesh well with the interests or values of a community which has long afforded the company a secure base and a loyal workforce .
18 Those who were not dead marched away into captivity .
19 In order to account for women 's lack of autonomy it is not sufficient to think merely in terms of removing a veil , or stripping away the outer layers .
20 Sir Kenneth said : ‘ It is not sufficient to think only in terms of crime control .
21 Expulsion is most likely to happen soon after insertion .
22 This means that for a few months in summer it is usually possible to sail right round West Spitsbergen ; if the ship is not too large and is able to land passengers from suitable landing craft , this is the best possible way to explore Spitsbergen .
23 Ms Callil thinks it can be more profitable to go straight into paperback .
24 We became increasingly angry and frustrated , feeling more and more that to work politically with men , whatever their sexuality , was simply a debilitating exercise .
25 They 're more likely to steer clear of involvement . ’
26 It 's been found that in Homes where residents are busy or active during the day , with plenty of stimulation , they are more likely to sleep well without drugs , and the rate of bed-wetting goes down dramatically .
27 It also seemed to inspire a sort of motherly affection in others , so that I was more likely to get away with carelessness or naughtiness than were my more physically mature contemporaries .
28 Spinks also sell old English banknotes , which are more likely to rise steadily in value .
29 Spinks also sell old English banknotes , which are more likely to rise steadily in value .
30 Spinks also sell old English banknotes , which are more likely to rise steadily in value .
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