Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The very specimens to which Gould refers so casually in his letter , particularly those which came to be known as ‘ Darwin 's finches ’ , were to spark off one of the most controversial theories of all time .
2 Davies had become the most controversial player of this tournament .
3 Perhaps the most noted examples of this kind of structure are provided by the Henry Mountains in Utah , U S A ( Fig. 5.19 ) .
4 But it is very lately that the truly magnificent taste in gardening has flourished in these northern parts of Europe , for although in King Charles the Second 's reign there was great spirit amongst the nobility and gentry of England for planting and gardening , which spirit was greatly heighten 'd in King William 's reign , during which time most of the large gardens of England were laid out and planted , yet we find the taste at that time extended little farther than to small pieces of box-wood , finish 'd parterres and clipp 'd greens , all of which are now generally banished out of the gardens of the most polite persons of this age , who justly prefer the more extended rural designs of gardens which approach the nearest to nature .
5 As a BBC employee , Cusick received little financial return for creating one of the most memorable monsters of all time .
6 We visited many places and went out to dinner and went to London during that time to watch the theatre production of ‘ Cats ’ by Andrew Lloyd Web which I think is the most memorable event of that holiday ; as well as going to Canterbury Cathedral .
7 The Qumran Scroll about the War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness — whatever its date and purpose — is the most idiosyncratic formulation of this kind of apocalyptic interpretation of a political situation .
8 The rather woolly nature of these claims aside , readers might be forgiven for wondering why , if the Cuk converter offers so many desirable features , it is not more commonly used .
9 The most outstanding example of this type of work is the Pisan complex , the Piazza dei Miracoli in the city ( 285 and 286 ) .
10 However , even though Richard Baxter may have been poor as a theologian and controversialist , he was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding pastors of all time .
11 The fact that one of the most outstanding cricketers of all time was Colin Bland , it says a lot about cricket as an athletic and gripping sport .
12 He states : ‘ The most persistent theme of this work will be the thought that for most people at most times the expressive order dominates or shapes the practical order . ’
13 The intimately invading pressure of another body against one 's own , from neck down to knees !
14 Consigned for sale by Alexander Klee , grandson of Paul Klee who was given the painting by Kandinsky in exchange for one of his own , it is a sketch for ‘ Composition VII ’ of 1913 , now in the State Tretyakov Gallery , Moscow , and widely considered the artist 's most innovative painting of that year .
15 The most revealing example of this type , however , is supplied by Papinian .
16 The ‘ innovative ’ department , however , did not show the most supportive climate of all departments .
17 The most complete expression of this preconception was a linear model of human origins in which the white race was the last and highest rung in the ladder of progress .
18 The most striking feature of this package , apart from its aim actively to involve employers and entrepreneurs , is a sharp reduction in the role of local government .
19 The most striking feature of these data is the ion-energy dispersion which showed discrete steps in the ion spectrum at 10:10:28 , 10:10:54 and 10:11:15UT .
20 This can be seen in their reaction to the most striking change of this kind during the whole early modern period — the assumption by Tsar Peter I in 1721 of the new title of Emperor ( Imperator ) .
21 The most striking expression of this approach is the circular or quinary system proposed by the entomologist William Sharpe MacLeay ( 1792–1865 ) in 1819 .
22 One of the most striking features of this election is the extent to which — intellectually — it is being fought on the Tories ' terms .
23 The most striking result of this study is the increased plasma concentrations of the precursor ( α-linolenic acid ) and the end product ( docosahexaenoic acid ) of the n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid series in active ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease .
24 The most extensive deposit of this material is found in north China , where it is derived from the deserts of Mongolia and transported to north China by the strong northwesterly winter winds .
25 The most extensive use of this procedure may be found in Fries ( 1952 ) .
26 The two most prolonged battles of this kind , at Mavisbank near Edinburgh and Pell Wall in Shropshire , are cases where the owners have been deaf to every offer to take on the house and restore it .
27 Perhaps the most celebrated user of this method has been Eysenck ( 1977 ) in his theory of crime .
28 In a remarkably candid expression of this issue of his faith , the American Secretary of State , James Baker , said : ‘ Power does n't really bring the fulfilment that many think it does . ’
29 General unemployment is the most conspicuous outcome of this failure to reach a Walrasian equilibrium .
30 Emmanuel Levinas , for example , whose career has been long enough to have introduced Husserl to Sartre in the thirties and to have been able to reply to Derrida in the seventies , proposes a rather different critique of such models of knowledge to those which we have encountered so far .
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