Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] down to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was all right walking down to the pit until I met the group of supporters then I had to crack . ’
2 The track eventually drops down to a road .
3 I wanted only to go down to the summer-house and watch the leaves falling until night fell with them .
4 We got in to drive down to the medina .
5 You stand a better chance if you put something with the Sunday and even then that might not be completely enough to reach down to the crevices , but I think some method , and that 's why I suggested surgeries actually , was that we have to talk regularly to people face to face and once you 're in a room with people then it goes , does n't it ?
6 Others hated and ignored them , saying they only came down to the city to steal .
7 For example , an elder ( like the rest of us ) will get up , go to the toilet , go through familiar washing routines , make tea , collect the paper from the front door , and perhaps walk down to the shops or catch the bus into town , with competence and efficiency .
8 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
9 Here the eye is naturally drawn down to the urn at the end of the vista .
10 Abel suddenly bent down to the letterbox and called through , ‘ Grandfather Gebler , it s me — Abel .
11 ‘ But the lift buttons only went down to the ground floor . ’
12 From that point on he only went down to the hospitals ‘ as and when required ’ .
13 At first he refused to answer , then realised that no assassin would make such a noise so went down to the door and called out : ‘ Who 's there ? ’
14 I came back on the Friday night and erm , well I 've packed my job in at the Transport Department , I better go down to the Recruiting Office and see what else .
15 ‘ We 'd better go down to the stream and hide in the bushes , ’ said Geoffrey .
16 If you ca n't control your temper you 'd better go down to the canteen and help yourself to a drink .
17 Lancashire Region to second and colleagues if , if all the other movers and seconders and the C E C speaker would all come down to the front it would help us enormously with time Yorkshire Region to move .
18 A discussion in our house on ( let's say ) the necessity of buying a new fridge will move swiftly to the education system ( via the rival claim of school fees to the purchase of the fridge ) and whether a move to another area might obviate the need for paying them , taking in a quick discourse on the immorality of contributing to the divisive education system in this country anyway ; this will lead to the if-we-sold-our-suburban-villa-we-could-buy-a-Georgian-manor-house-in-the-country conversation ; which will in its turn move on quite quickly to the horrors of British Rail and the greatly increased subjection to them that such a move would entail ; then we get to leaving all our friends behind , and to debating whether having them to stay at the weekends would not be perfectly satisfactory ; which will remind us that two or more of them are coming to dinner that very night and we 'd better get down to the off-licence ; then it 's shall-we-get-Muscadet-or-the-Chardonnay- again and for-heaven's-sake-get-enough which will get us back to the fridge , on account of last time we got the Chardonnay , I did n't put it in it soon enough .
19 She had evidently only come down to the foyer to collect her mail .
20 erm But it basically comes down to the attitude that people have , if the government was , or whoever owns the forest , private ownership , or whatever , controls what the loggers do , I mean it 's their forest it 's up to them to control what the loggers do and do n't do , and whether they let cultivators in or they do n't let cultivators in .
21 The trapdoor in the floor is intact and a set of stone steps below lead down to the basement , location 3a .
22 Slowly relax down to the floor .
23 Despite this , Junius soon got down to the business of casting aspersions against the King 's character .
24 Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour , these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below .
25 " Just nip down to the dining room and put the tiniest whisky , only up to here , " she held three of Nicandra 's fingers against the glass , rolling empty on the eiderdown " very nice , too .
26 After years of anticipation , the Taiwanese-backed NuTek USA Corp in Cupertino , California has finally come down to the wire with its Macintosh-compatible technology : the company claims that it has developed the first machine that emulates the Macintosh without requiring installation of Apple Computer Inc 's proprietary ROMs .
27 Brown Owl called out anxiously to Mr. Gordon , who had just come down to the gate leading into the Brownies ' meadow .
28 These parsers build the parse tree by starting with a rule whose right-hand side is a sentence , S. The rules are progressively expanded down to the rules having the lexical categories that match the input .
29 She did not even go as far as her room — the sound of the door being unlocked , opening and closing again should surely not carry down to the hall .
30 She said how convenient it would have been for her , instead of having to wait for chaps to go out and kill rabbits and deer and all that , and for the peasants to bring in the vegetables ; she 'd much rather have been able just to nip down to the shops and buy what she needed , when she needed it .
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