Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] what is [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On improving accessibility , we need to produce more and better tools which not only say what is available in theory relevant to a particular area , but how it can be consulted in practice .
2 The need is not only to retain what is worthwhile of the old , but also to ensure the new is sympathetic .
3 A consequence of this approach is that many managers within one division will not know what is important to another division , as well as the overall corporation .
4 Frankly I can not see what is enigmatic about a caption or about defining one 's practice .
5 But we can not distinguish what is real about the universe without a theory .
6 If the Greeks do not get their debt under control — and that , be it repeated , means getting a 7%-of-GDP surplus on the ordinary part of their budget , so as to have enough money left over to pay what is due on the debt — they will one day find they can not sell the bonds that keep the debt going .
7 ‘ In my view , the criterion applied by the court in the B. & Q. judgment , according to which an obstacle to intra-Community trade may not exceed what is necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued , reflects both aspects of the criterion of necessity : the restrictive national legislation is relevant with regard to the objective pursued , since it is necessary for the attainment of that objective and has therefore been enacted with that end in view ; the legislation may not go beyond what is necessary for the attainment of that objective , which implies that a less restrictive alternative is not available .
8 Advising each and every sheep farmer to join the NSA , and support Welsh Lamb Enterprise , he said : ‘ I know that there are many of you here who have not paid what is due to WLE .
9 As already mentioned what is significant for a task description leading to an interface design may be different from what is significant for personnel allocation and training but the available procedures are the same .
10 Negative methods of responding in marking are likely to produce sterile , cumulative consequences in a child 's writing : pupils quickly discern what is acceptable to the teacher and merely aim to fulfil those expectations .
11 can quickly see what is wrong with unsound ideas put forward by others
12 It is necessary both to predict what is likely to be found in a discourse before trying to process it , and to have a clear purpose in processing .
13 They will also indicate what is usual in the particular trade .
14 The punters , who have by now learned what is good for them , have not been opposing him .
15 If not , then the notion of the sum of the value of the parts is not clear cut , and it is similarly not clear cut what is involved in the value of the whole not being the same as this sum .
16 Even to celebrate what is distinctive about women does not , in my opinion , automatically qualify as feminist .
17 There is no need here to consider what is capable of amounting to a reasonable excuse , but it suffices to say that the defence is clearly of very limited scope .
18 Both simply reflect what is fashionable for them .
19 It will contain one of the finest and openest quadrangles in this country ; its details will be more than ordinarily lively and cheerful ; its amount of window light will exceed that of , probably , any public building in this country ; its construction will embody every modern improvement , invention , and appliance ; its materials will be the most perfect which long and earnest study enable me to render them , while its cost will not in the least exceed what is customary with public buildings in the usual style .
20 Mr goes on to say what is wrong with what 's been done so far .
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