Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Government were part of the process of blocking the directive until it was so badly mauled that it is now very different from the one that we first saw and debated in the House a month ago .
2 The 35-year-old , who has collected 13 major trophies with the Anfield club , said : ‘ I have slowly realised that I am not in Liverpool 's plans for the future . ’
3 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
4 But there are other causes of bad conditions as well as overcrowding : many prisons are old and decaying , and the newer prisons have often turned out to be so badly designed that they are not a noticeable improvement .
5 It was n't a safe time to communicate as the guards often popped in to see that we were still exercising .
6 But then , as they sat opposite each other in a crowded Darlington bar , Sue suddenly realised that she was about to lose the man she loved .
7 ‘ We suddenly realized that we were as free as air , and could n't think of a thing to do with this unexpected liberty .
8 I suddenly realized that I was n't myself any more : I did n't give a damn whether he was wearing a tie or not . ’
9 Several beaches have become so polluted that they are now closed .
10 In Japan ‘ Grand Champions ’ are so highly prized that they are officially made wards of court , and can not be exported from the country .
11 On my way out of the shed , I suddenly realised that I was not on my own .
12 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
13 I suddenly realised that he was very , very interested .
14 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
15 But Robin-Anne did not react , and I looked down to see that she was not watching for the new day , but was crying .
16 Sylvia was an intelligent woman , quite sensible enough to realize that there was probably some reason in her early life for the current problem .
17 I do n't personally think that there 's very much wrong with the security , I do n't see how you can increase it much more .
18 Below that your ‘ bottom time ’ — the time between leaving the surface and commencing your ascent — is so limited that it 's hardly worthwhile . ’
19 Mr Barre 's writ is so limited that he is disparagingly known as the mayor of Mogadishu .
20 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
21 The ground was so contaminated that it was too dangerous even to try to remove the soil .
22 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
23 Editor , — Fritz H Schröder rightly emphasises that it is not known whether treatment of early prostatic cancer is beneficial or whether screening for the disease offers any advantage .
24 In some cases land has become so degraded that it is agriculturally worthless .
25 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
26 Despite being caught up in an almost mystical trance , Laura had not entirely forgotten that she was n't the only person swimming in the ocean .
27 I have been in the House long enough to know that it is not appropriate for me to comment on evidence given to a Select Committee until that Committee has reported .
28 The uses for speech synthesis are so varied that it is almost impossible to list them .
29 This is , this is where Deborah will then go back , this is , comes into your three hour training so you wo n't have this problem cos they 'll all have been , they 'll all know that they 're just talking about certain things .
30 He entered the parlour , only to discover that he was not alone , after all .
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