Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] been [adj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if deep down that peppery gentleman 's irritation might perhaps have been due to fear that once the gaff about whisky not being suitable for the kitchen was blown the master 's bottle would no longer be quite sacrosanct .
2 The editorial was apparently written on the basis of inadequate information and some of the data , as outlined in this letter , may not have been available to Peter O Behan and B A G Haniffah .
3 Section 739(2) reads as follows : Where by virtue or in consequence of any such transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , such an individual has , within the meaning of this section , power to enjoy , whether forthwith or in the future , any income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom which , if it were income of that individual received by him in the United Kingdom … would be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise , that income shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
4 " That income shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be the income of that individual for all the purposes of the Income Tax Acts " — the individual ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom can be chargeable under the section whether or not he receives the income .
5 " Capital sums " — section 739(3) ( 4 ) states : ( 3 ) Where , whether before or after any such transfer , such an individual receives or is entitled to receive any capital sum the payment of which is in any way connected with the transfer or any associated operation , any income which , by virtue or in consequence of the transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , has become the income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
6 In Parkhead John McGuire watched the black and white screen with a tense fascination that would not have been unfamiliar to Christopher Columbus when he first saw the West Indies float over the Caribbean horizon .
7 Quite how hard , though , could not have been clear to Sir Denys Henderson when he took the chair at Britain 's biggest manufacturing company five years ago .
8 It would just have been possible to detour and commit the murder in Cross Street , but it would have been a very tight schedule indeed .
9 Land warfare sixty-five years after Waterloo would still have been comprehensible to Napoleon .
10 Straw that would once have been used to bed the cattle down is now put into a boiler as fuel to heat the offices .
11 It may also have been reassuring to US audiences , while America was being condemned world-wide for its barbaric acts in Vietnam , to see that they did not have the monopoly on violence , which could even be found in an English village .
12 Furthermore , if the loans were " beneficial " loans within the meaning of s160 TA 1988 , as is likely , then the tax payers may also have been liable to income tax under Schedule E ( probably only at basic rate ) on the amount released .
13 Perhaps therefore Edward 's claim was not as strong in principle as has sometimes been suggested , and if accepted in 1328 it might eventually have been subject to challenge by sons born to other Capetian females .
14 The situation must now have been clear to Scott .
15 Such an interruption of the Kentish regnal succession may reflect disturbed conditions attendant on Wulfhere 's annexation of Surrey for Wulfhere , the uncle of Eadric and Wihtred , could well have been hostile to Hlothhere 's succession in Kent .
16 Anyway it would n't have been fair to Irene really cos we went Sunday afternoon .
17 If he had to be shifted to Ireland , why could n't it have been Dublin where he 'd at least have been nearer to Elizabeth and might have managed to hop over to England more often .
18 One aspect of the case which is not explored in the judgment is the fact that the appellant was on parole when the offence was committed , although by the time he was sentenced it seems that his licence would either have been close to expiry or have expired already .
19 Gaelic football attracts many that might otherwise have been useful to rugby .
20 Such lands would certainly have been subject to reorganization under new management .
21 The great twelfth-century historian William of Malmesbury says that Æthelred deprived his people of their possessions without proper reason , and as the late Anglo-Saxon legal system is known to have confiscated property for a wide range of misdemeanours it would certainly have been open to abuse of this sort .
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