Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to understand why this screen — which was presumably intended to be a close-boarded fence — was needed , as the turnpike road is some distance away , one field beyond the other side of the river .
2 The suggested Fifth Man badly needs to be an up-and-coming forwards ' coach .
3 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
4 AT 30 , Daldry is widely considered to be an inspired choice as the artistic director-designate of the Royal Court , London 's embattled home of new writing .
5 Bush 's public and deliberate linking of the " occupied " West Bank with East Jerusalem was greeted with near unanimous condemnation in Israel , where Israeli control over the whole of the " " eternal " capital " was widely considered to be an irreversible fact .
6 The portrait of Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck , aged one year and six months and dated 1834 , is one of the great masterpieces of American Folk Art by Ammi Phillips , long considered to be the single most important naive painter of the nineteenth century .
7 With either type , you may find a 50mm socket , into which a suitably-sized boss connector or adaptor is welded to take a solvent-welded or push-fit pipe , or a push-fit or compression fitting which takes a branch pipe directly so needs to be the correct size .
8 There obviously needs to be a simple , convenient way of assessing children in the process of one or more activities .
9 This is not a wholly negative development , but in the new atmosphere it creates antiracist initiatives can only appear to be a patronizing and unacceptable form of special pleading .
10 This was especially true in Scotland , and in particular , Glasgow , which may justly claim to be the deaf ‘ capital ’ during this era .
11 Now it 's only going to be a short one , just out towards that buoy and when I call you , you can turn round , okay ?
12 First of all , the coins are not necessarily going to be a representative sample from a particular site , because it is unlikely that the whole find complex will be recovered .
13 I would so like to be the proverbial fly on the wall at those Cabinet subcommittees which are currently engaged on passing judgement on so far-fetched a proposition .
14 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
15 It was not that he was obviously going to be a good priest .
16 But anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future erm Anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future may want to understand something about it , so you 're obviously going to be a good source of providing that information .
17 This is not an immutable law , but the correlation has been sufficiently demonstrated to be a valuable guide .
18 You would quite literally have to be a practising Satanist gone stupid from self-abuse to not know that ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ says more to you about your life than , ooh , lots of other camp ironic pop singers we could mention .
19 Once it is understood that the symptoms of disease are actually a good thing in that they are the highly characteristic outward indication of the healing and balancing process that is going on inside each individual person , then to give a medicine that is capable of mimicking and bringing about that same process suddenly seems to be a good idea ; both totally reasonable and logical .
20 six o'clock seems to be a nice time , Scottish Homes said they would lay on coffee and
21 Similarly , there is nothing intrinsically right about Farmer and Parker 's typology of children affected ; it merely seems to be a revealing distinction .
22 This , however , only proved to be a brief respite in the persecutions .
23 I have no interest in Carmichael 's enterprises , but keeping in seems to be the only way to find what happened .
24 Apart from the fact that a possible-worlds approach inevitably runs into problems if it insists on the logical completeness of fictional universes , it seems to me that what is a valid issue in logic does not necessarily have to be a valid issue in poetics and narratology .
25 Indeed , this fact is more firmly registered in the layman 's mind than any other , and if he or she were asked to give a name to some species , it would probably be either Tyrannosaurus Rex ( wrongly believed to be the known largest ) , Brontosaurus or Diplodocus , the three most often mentioned .
26 Articles are research reports whose conclusions are of general interest and which are sufficiently rounded to be a substantial advance in understanding , They should not have more than 3,000 words ow text ( not including figure legends ) or more than six display items and should not occupy more than five pages of Nature .
27 Moore 's claim that definitions of ethical expressions in naturalistic terms commit the ‘ naturalistic fallacy ’ long continued to be a main influence on moral philosophy in the English speaking world .
28 Occasionally , we heard rocket fire and guessed , from the heavy propaganda on both the Christian television stations , that it was between Geagea 's Lebanese Forces militia and the army of General Aoun , who was still apparently claiming to be the true President of Lebanon .
29 ‘ I know , ’ Flavia went on , ‘ that people do n't like a divorce in their family , but when you think that his has so long ceased to be a real marriage You have n't seen them together , Michel and …
30 She almost groaned aloud at her ignorance in over-reacting in such a childish way to what , obviously , he had only meant to be an amusing conversational gambit .
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