Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [pron] that i " in BNC.

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1 It suddenly occurred to me that I had been so busy enjoying myself on the Mantela that I had never even opened either of them .
2 Because it suddenly occurs to me that I might have been left alone to get on with this assignment if my divisional head had n't beamed in on my activities and seen something she did n't like in my relationship with Rainbow .
3 Not until I arrived on the 18th tee 1-down did it suddenly occur to me that I was on the point of losing .
4 There had been long periods when I could only enter you and come in you by secretly pretending to myself that I did not know you , that you were a tart I had picked up in a bar — or on the street corner .
5 Have n't I just proven to you that I lie ? ’
6 It just occurred to me that I do n't how many children Mr and Mrs Thomas had , but the only one who 's remembered is Dylan .
7 I had already achieved something ; I had already proved to myself that I was capable of independent achievement .
8 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
9 Just to prove to me that I did n't frighten her .
10 I 've come to walk with Beefy — not just to prove to myself that I can , but to bring this terrible disease out in the open .
11 I normally explain to them that I was writing a book about the school and they certainly understood that .
12 I normally explain to them that I was writing a book about the school and they certainly understood that .
13 ‘ I do n't suppose it ever occurred to you that I was jealous when I saw you with him last night ? ’ he said softly .
14 Has it ever occurred to you that I was wedded and bedded and well pregnant by the time I was your age ?
15 ‘ Has n't it ever occurred to you that I find you repulsive — that I 'd rather be kissed by a lizard than you ? ’
16 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
17 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
18 And I to also admitted to him that I
19 I had also proved to myself that I could play football at least as well as the other boys , if not better .
20 ‘ You believe Emma is suffering , but it does n't matter to you that I 've worries of my own to contend with .
21 It had n't occurred to her that I might take up the blackmail where Jack Mahoney had left off .
22 Sometimes I would like to have a go , experiment with make-up , but because Mum does n't wear any , it does n't occur to her that I might like to .
23 It did n't occur to me that I was in labour because it was too early .
24 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
25 ‘ It did n't occur to you that I might have a lot on my mind ?
26 It then occurred to me that I might be able to help , and I picked up the telephone and spoke to Winston .
27 But er I then explained to them that I realize that it does n't actually matter and it 's the quality of the image that you produce that matters and not what it 's made of or on .
28 I went on to say to him that I wished to make it clear that my disquiet did not relate to any particular name , but if in fact the names that I had heard turned out to be a correct report , and he published the List , the List would support legitimate criticism .
29 It never occurred to me that I might become a poet — partly because there were no books in the damp little prefab where we lived .
30 ‘ I ca n't get a regular game for Bath 's first team so it never occurred to me that I might be selected , ’ he revealed .
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