Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in [noun sg] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But Headmistress , the child only arrived in school this morning and came straight to the classroom … ’
2 ‘ Whom did you not see in court this morning ? ’
3 But we reckon that in actual fact if you erm do n't do the we just dis discount the billing and collection and the pensions conversions and so on that we will actually get some benefits from the , the , the things that we 've already put in place this year , we reckon we can reduce that overspend on that side of it down to about a hundred and eighty two thousand erm because it 's , it 's nominal paper er transactions in a way .
4 ‘ Where in the ordinary course a person gives a statement to the police and later comes to give evidence for the Crown , the defence can not inspect in advance such statement .
5 In order to start drawing useful inferences leading to sensible modifications of the material , we should also keep in mind these points : ( a ) the observer must thoroughly understand the curriculum designer 's aims and objectives and report in relation to these ( b ) it is necessary for the observer to understand how the teacher has interpreted these intentions ( c ) the curriculum designer must thoroughly understand the facts that the observer has brought back to him ; the dialogue that this implies can produce valuable suggestions for improving the unit ( d ) teachers of differing style must be observed and teachers at differing levels of acclimatization to the program must be observed to obtain full data ( e ) it is also important for the observer to understand which stage of development the unit has reached .
6 A key point about the former is that it also invokes in practice some measure of ‘ tolerance ’ on both sides , some concept of ‘ trust ’ .
7 When people say that higher education teaches one to ‘ think ’ , they probably have in mind this induction into the habit of analysis .
8 Having thus briefly examined the background against which the enormous post-war growth in higher education has taken place , we will now examine in detail those developments which have occurred in the three years that have elapsed since the first edition of this book appeared in 1979 .
9 ‘ I ca n't stay in bed all day .
10 And we do n't see in principle any reason to divert from them .
11 Contributors should therefore bear in mind those readers who work in other fields and those for whom English is a second language , and write clearly and simply , avoiding unnecessary technical terminology .
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