Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] if it [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 An Amoeba lives in the left-hand commode , but will only attack if it is disturbed .
2 According to quantum theory , a microscopic system will only vibrate if it is given an amount of energy at least equal to the frequency of vibration multiplied by Planck 's constant .
3 The picture will only appear if it 's placed in the correct position .
4 You need to impress on him that it will only work if it is done properly — that there must be absolutely no cheating .
5 It may be better understood if it is set in the context of Hindu teaching concerning the different orders or āśramas of society corresponding to the different stages of life .
6 Like all prisoners of circumstance , you will probably reflect a good deal on the whole subject of ‘ time ’ and of its strange habits of hanging , dragging , or running out too quickly , but if you decide to use and dominate it , instead of allowing it to dominate you , you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is only wasted if it is thrown away , never when it is offered freely , as a gift of love .
7 A scene of high tension can be greatly enhanced if it is preceded by a passage of comedy , as Shakespeare in preparing for Macbeth 's murder of Duncan well knew .
8 Burger smiled : ‘ But there will be very few who do not know if it is left to you , dear .
9 Once a suitable disinfectant is in use resistance will not occur if it is used correctly .
10 It is not love if it is locked up in the vaults of our dreams for a better world and a happier life .
11 The best canned fish is further improved if it is steeped in olive oil rather than a cheaper vegetable oil .
12 Motivation is often increased if it is made clear to a group that they are covering a topic on behalf of the whole class and that their results will be shared by the rest of the class .
13 ‘ And they do n't know if it 's affected her brain … her memory … ’
14 I do n't know if it 's linked to Chris 's work either . ’
15 A battery 's charge-holding capacity can also be seriously reduced if it is kept in a discharged state for more than a few hours .
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