Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He very politely pointed out in each case , ’ recalled Mountbatten , ‘ that it was not the way he would have phrased it , and so it remained virtually unchanged .
2 In an aftermath when the relentless and remorseless inhumanity of the mill owner and his magisterial friends passed into local lore , an attempt was made to assassinate Cartwright and one was successfully carried out on another mill owner , William Horsfall , who had boasted his intent to ride up to his saddle girths in the blood of Luddites .
3 Or they can be plotted against the fitted ( here smoothed ) values , to look for indications of non-constant variability ; if the residuals get bigger as the smoothed values get bigger , this usually means that the the analysis would be better carried out on another scale .
4 It was all sorted out after some confusion and a lot of ill-feeling ; the BMW people moved their boat forward so cars and trailers could get past it to the road .
5 Enough came out of that conversation to keep me brooding half the night .
6 Among the bogies foolishly trotted out for this purpose is the imaginary policeman …
7 He 'd loll in his chair as he was doing then , and suddenly come out with some remark that made everyone else uncomfortable .
8 But in this particular lesson the decision structure is something of a mirage , for as we have already pointed out at this stage the situation is not real enough for these children to be making anything but a superficial gesture — going through the motions of making a decision .
9 Illness is , as already pointed out in this section , more amenable to definition and measurement than either pain or health .
10 They were the weavers followed by a few tottering sailors who had just come out of another tavern .
11 And I I think that it it it would just grow out of that kind of activity and then eventually when ploughing matches er , as such , in the you know , in the adult farm , with horses , became the great thing er which was the second half of the last century , you know after the farming revolution .
12 What happens to those who are already going out with another boyfriend when they discover they are pregnant ?
13 It 's already going out on this month 's Crimewatch .
14 ‘ I 'm not going out with another woman .
15 ‘ Forgive my not rising , but I dare not move out of this chair until this wretched hair of mine is dry . ’
16 This assumption is not borne out by any evidence — after all , the dolphins have no perceivable technology — but it is fair to guess that at least some intelligent species will develop an advanced technology .
17 For one thing , she discovered that her conscience was at fault over Jewish persecution and she blamed herself for not coming out against such cruelty earlier .
18 ‘ Ministers have not only not spoken out against this irresponsibility but now can not speak persuasively against these boardroom excesses because so many ex-Cabinet Ministers are themselves among the beneficiaries of these excesses , ’ he said .
19 These exhibits were mostly just single figures , not set out in any kind of tableau , but isolated in their stage clothes with just a name plate for company .
20 Columbus was not cut out for this sort of work .
21 So we just kept out of each other 's way . ’
22 But it just grew out of all proportion .
23 So , if that is the case how can we possibly lose our identity because we have n't , we 're not , there 's no suggestion if we go on an inward journey , the inward journey must be within our selves , within our individuality , not , not jumping out into some form of spacial context .
24 I tell you , I 'm not giving you a penny more for clothes , I 'm not paying for any driving lessons when you 're seventeen , I 'm not shelling out for another disco , I 'm not giving you another lift to a party that everyone else in your year 's going to and you 'd be a freak if you missed it .
25 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
26 The defendants were negligent in breach of duty of not carrying out of that part of that duty .
27 I desired with almost sickening intensity something never to be described ( except that it is cold , spacious , severe , pale and remote ) and then , as in the other examples , found myself at the very same moment already falling out of that desire and wishing I were back in it .
28 Theresa are we not are we not missing out with this legislation are we not missing out on a little thing called compassion ?
29 Has she not improved out of all recognition ? ’
30 The money is frozen in the hands of a third party and not paid out to either side .
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