Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] his [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Created by Alex Raymond in the 1930's Flash eventually made his way onto the Commodore with a little help from Mastertronic Added Dimension , a budget house set up by Mastertronic .
2 For Hesketh , now committed to racing and to Hunt 's career — with a generosity unparalleled in FI — it seemed as sensible to take Hunt straight up into FI , and Hunt duly made his debut at a non-championship race at Brands Hatch early in 1973 , there earning , in a used Surtees TS9B , a third place just behind Denny Hulme — and Hulme was , let it be noted , driving the McLaren M23 , a far more advanced car .
3 He slowly made his way along the train of fish vans .
4 In both instances a worker , acting in his own self-interest , may choose to retain his benefits ( by refusing extra pay or a job ) , thereby perpetuating his dependency on the Welfare State .
5 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
6 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
7 McMurdo and Waugh paid their share but Johnstone prevaricated until 1989 when Sheriff Officers acting for the brewery issued arrestment orders ‘ freezing ’ Johnstone 's wages from his work in broadcasting and sports journalism , where he eventually found his niche as a witty and streetwise commentator .
8 But Pike kept on banging his head against the floor .
9 Jonathan Dimbleby tried interruption , thereby revealing his unfamiliarity with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby .
10 When Rune successfully tried his luck at a shooting gallery and invited her to choose which prize she wanted , she selected a paperweight in the form of the Little Mermaid sitting on her rock .
11 But the man who says , ‘ It looks bent ’ thereby exhibits his sophistication in the matter of how an object 's being half in water leads to his seeing it otherwise than as it is .
12 Wainwright is fifth choice at Bramall Lane and only made his debut for the reserves on Wednesday .
13 Thus had Carnelian swiftly explained his shooting of the old woman …
14 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
15 Did Daniel Ortega struggle so hard and so long , suffer seven years in jail , and defy the mighty US at such cost to his country , only to drive his jeep into the sunset ?
16 Did Daniel Ortega struggle so hard and so long , suffer seven years in jail , and defy the mighty US at such cost to his country , only to drive his jeep into the sunset ?
17 That is , unless he was lucky enough to lose his wife in the near future .
18 Rymer spoke only to confirm his identity in the short hearing .
19 Franco was well aware that the deliverance from evil of so powerful a symbol would greatly enhance his standing among the Nationalist partisans .
20 Where Keynes is concerned , they have long recognized his importance as an inspiration between the wars for a certain type of progressive , Lib-Lab politics : but few could pass an examination in Keynesian theory .
21 To quote the memoirs : ‘ … on Sunday the 4th August 1793 , after having finished the morning duty he always performed in person , of visiting , prescribing for , and superintending the dressing of the wounds of the horses in the infirmary , he sat down to continue his treatise on the outward conformation of the horse , a work he intended for publication : in a short time he informed Mrs. Vial that he felt himself extremely ill complaining of cold to a degree of shivering , attended with a violent headach [ sic ] , and great thirst .
22 Stevie Ray obviously got his notion about the value of a vibrato with the arm protruding out from above the strings from watching Jimi Hendrix .
23 Long years in the notorious Zomba prison followed , and in 1987 Banda apparently changed his mind about the commutations and declared that the Chirwas did not deserve clemency and should not be allowed to live .
24 Although no clear winner emerged from the debate , most commentators believed that Clinton had performed well enough to consolidate his position as the leading contender .
25 In spite of Amritsar , he announced himself willing to co-operate with the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms which were unveiled at the end of the year , and only changed his mind as the degree of Dyer 's support in British public opinion was borne in upon him , and as he began to find himself isolated by the more radical elements in Congress , who had either already lost their faith in the British , or had never had any .
26 He was single-mindedly applying his mind to the task and it was likely that he would forget the time .
27 Indeed , much of the evidence suggests that , even if Mansell had not actually braked early , he had perhaps lifted his foot from the throttle , which has much the same effect in an F1 car .
28 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
29 Although I welcome the way in which my right hon. Friend has responded to pressure from those of us who are concerned about the future of the volunteers in the Territorial army and elsewhere , and I especially welcome his statement about the future of the Army Cadet Force and the support it receives from the reserves , what are his particular plans for the three reserve battalions of the Royal Anglians ?
30 However , in Fagan the court held the accused to be guilty when he inadvertently parked his car on a policeman 's foot , realised what he had done , and refused to drive off .
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