Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] be [adv] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The unhygienic situation described above has been more than enough reason for diarrhoeal diseases to become widespread .
2 She could not have been more than eighteen years old , golden as a kingcup and white as windflowers .
3 It could not have been more than six months old .
4 They could not have been more than fifteen , but their faces were heavily coated with cosmetics , and they were dressed with a tawdry precociousness which allowed no illusions as to their innocence .
5 But every year , and often more than once , he made the pilgrimage to Kidlington in Oxfordshire and on one of those visits ( I can not have been more than eight years old ) took me to Thame and showed me his name on the board as head boy .
6 Areas of trapped sediment within these gullies were screened and the bones recovered , but the original position of the scats could not be determined ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) , although from the nature of the scat site they could not have been more than 20 metres away .
7 Their teacher was called Miss Honey , and she could not have been more than twenty-three or twenty-four .
8 It could not have been more than three feet deep at the deepest point and as little as six inches in others .
9 She spoke quite often of snowy landscapes glimpsed through carriage windows and small hands curled up in a muff made of grey fur , even though she could not have been more than three at the time .
10 The mother of the two children , a toddler and a baby , could not have been more than twenty .
11 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
12 Its population at this time can hardly have been less than 50,000 and may easily have been well over 60,000 .
13 There were a million Müllers in Germany and no doubt a good many Louise Müllers , but of Louise Müllers who were opera singers , and had a sister called Katje , there could hardly have been more than one .
14 His apparent interest could not possibly have been more than passing curiosity .
15 We made love again , and we must have been tired , because it ca n't have been less than two hours later that I woke up .
16 Fresh , though he could n't have been less than thirty and Jezrael was still young enough to think that was old .
17 He could n't have been more than five years old , she realised with a sense of shock .
18 We knew he was the owner of the club and — while he ca n't have been more than four-foot-nine inches tall — we knew that Soho was run by Maltese gangsters just like him .
19 She could n't have been more than thirteen or fourteen but her face was thickly painted and her clothes were frivolous , brightly coloured things .
20 The man moved efficiently past a child who had succeeded in entangling her pony 's reins with her feet and who was being blasted for it by a girl who could n't have been more than sixteen , but was sounding like a woman three times her age .
21 It could n't have been more than fifty yards from the bank .
22 The whole inlet could n't have been more than fifty yards across , but to Maha it was at least a mile wide , as deep as the ocean , wet and cold .
23 ‘ She ca n't have been more than seventy , ’ Barbara said with a hint of anxiety ; she herself was in her middle-sixties .
24 He could n't have been more than two , three minutes collecting Erlich in South Audley Street , but there it was .
25 She could n't have been more than ten then and by our standards would be scarcely more than a child now .
26 See , the other week there , I was on beat duty and this wee nipper , could n't have been more than 6 or 7 , came round the corner and says to me , ‘ Fuck off , ya black bastard . ’
27 As you know there have been the history of it is , is well known to most commissioners I 'm sure , there have been m there has been more than one attempt in the recent , in the last decade to bring something to the assembly er along these lines .
28 It was a summer afternoon — she could barely have been more than eight years old — and she had come to the Lodge with her brother and their cousin , Laetitia , who was visiting the Hall with her parents .
29 Never having been more than ten miles from her parents , home in her nineteen years the prospect of a fifty-mile train journey seemed like an adventure and she would travel alone , but maybe she would meet some handsome young man !
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