Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] be [verb] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Consent should not be unreasonably withheld and sub-contractors so employed are referred to as domestic sub-contractors .
2 Similarly R4 and R5 have coalesced , and the single vein thus formed is referred to as R4+5 .
3 There was in other words an immense amount of political activity with absolutely no result and the details of that already has been referred to in moving energy both erm in emergency number two , so I can make , need make no reference , more reference to it , but we have left ourselves surely , totally dependent in a short future from outside the country on our energy .
4 Gastric secretion thus corrected is referred to as Vg and is measured in ml/h .
5 The position with regard to side letters ( setting out supplemental agreements ) is that they may not be binding as they probably will not have been referred to in the principal agreement .
6 The Romanians are really a West European nation — in language , culture , history and so — on and they do n't like being dictated to by these Mongols , as they see them .
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