Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with [pron] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Patiently occupied with his household tasks and with his sketching of Willem , it amused him to notice that ‘ already he seems to oppose himself to all social institutions and conventions . ’
2 Trakback not only helps with your stock control , it also helps you manage your company 's cash flow , by letting you know quickly when you can invoice .
3 She has also functioned as an extremely efficient troubleshooter on our system , identifying problems and very patiently liaising with our software suppliers when problems have arisen .
4 Apart from one session a day , Wooderson 's training included long walks with his brother Stanley .
5 So aim with our control servers is to deliver mainframe controllability in an open distributed environment .
6 The offshore industry has trained a handful of apprentices , but these do not compare with its labour requirements .
7 A person who is asked to take the test in circumstances such as these should pause and consider whether they are willing to do so , or whether they would instead prefer not to proceed with their life assurance or employment application .
8 Having successfully completed the first year of the new Teachers ' Training Course the students have gone away to grapple with their holiday assignments .
9 And the reason is the one we have just seen with our biomorph model .
10 It was accepted that member states would operate their own national regional assistance instruments , whereas the Community 's preoccupation would be to ensure that national aid did not conflict with its competition policy , by providing protection for domestic industries under the guise of regional aid .
11 Karrimor 's project development engineer demonstrated that he could do shoulder high kicks just as easily wearing with its 20kg load as without .
12 Paul Creed under pressure could not reach with his back pass , but Mick Allen wasted a good chance by putting wide .
13 Bush , the man who could not handle domestic politics , could not cope with his Republican Party in the budget , had displayed not the slightest interest in the worsening problems of poverty in the United States , could be freed to play war .
14 ‘ We do not agree with your slave morality , ’ the albino spoke to the time traveller .
15 Range Rover diffs will directly interchange with your SWB Land Rover diffs with no modification .
16 At a party at 9 Apollo Place , Norman Bowler had spent much of the evening dancing with Henrietta Law who was still living with her husband Michael in Kensington though their marriage was by then over .
17 Keeping its eye on what HP was up to with its latest Snake , see page three , Sun was still dickering with its pricing schedule at the eleventh hour last week .
18 ‘ I went to read his Vico and it 's still crammed with his manuscript notes , bursting with them , between every page .
19 She was the sort that keeps coming , that never knows when they 're licked … the mad cockerel I once hit with my toy cricket bat — it was an accident , of course it was , but I had to keep hitting it and hitting it until it was nothing but a bloody pulp on splintered sticks .
20 Years later , I still discuss with my university students the important lessons I learned from the forest while a young boy .
21 The little lake below the house was still ringed with its winter reeds , the colour of rained-on wheat .
22 She says I always go with my bike shopping — I could n't imagione to go by car — there are no problems parking …
23 She says I always go with my bike shopping — I could n't imagine to go by car … there are no problems parking … and can put lots of things in my bags .
24 I totally agree with what Joan Hamer says .
25 Are you still arguing with your finance function about whose numbers are accurate , rather than discussing the real issues of motivation , development , and cost effectiveness ?
26 ‘ You 're still working with your pirate kit then ? ’
27 Some organisations have developed their own executive search function internally to cope with their recruitment needs .
28 This arrangement continued for eight years , and enabled me not only to work on several books , but also to continue with my computer research .
29 They were both letters in Ash 's flowing hand , both headed with his Great Russell Street address and dated , June 21st .
30 Down on the river front of Old Chiswick , the firm of Thornycroft 's continued to be busily occupied with their boat building , and one of their employees , Mr. R. T. Smith , made an approach to his engineer employer , John Donaldson , who was a good Scottish Presbyterian with strong Christian principles , for a loan of five pounds in order to enable him ( R. T. Smith ) to start a coffee stall in Church Street , in an endeavour to keep some of the other employees away from their regular visits to the Lamb Tap Inn .
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