Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that they do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 It usually turns into a frustrating , time consuming and exhausting task , particularly when you move pieces of furniture only to find that they do n't fit in the place you wanted to put them .
2 The reader should not reject them outright if it so happens that they do not correspond to his own personal impressions .
3 There is therefore a clear place for an EC policy to oversee State aids , and so to ensure that they do not unjustifiably favour one member 's industry at the expense of another 's , and thereby mitigate the intentions of EC competition policy .
4 The world can only pray that they do not gain the upper hand .
5 I do not mean that they do not differentiate between dog and man , only that we have become integrated into their already existing , instinctive mental-behavioural patterns .
6 Although technical barriers mainly arise in Germany and the Netherlands , the fact that they are relatively unapparent in other countries such as Spain and Italy does not mean that they do not present a potential threat , in so far as the removal of structural barriers to takeovers may result in the creation of technical barriers as companies react to defend themselves .
7 The fact that the Anonymous Fellowships are not run by the medical profession does not mean that they do not exist or that they do not work except for a handful of rather strange zealots .
8 While equally the white lesbian sister has got to understand that while she 's unified with this Asian lesbian sister there are differences , there are differences some of which are good and some of which are bad , and we have to be frank about them and to struggle around them because we ca n't just pretend that they do n't exist , then we 're not going to reach anywhere .
9 That is not to say that they do not have particularities , for a particular instance of a shirt has to be of a certain colour , and have pockets or not , or it would not be a shirt .
10 This is not to say that they do not acknowledge the role played by sequential ordering in signalling the communicative function of an utterance .
11 I have heard several organisations talking about the magic million , but as soon as you probe deeper , you soon discover that they do n't have the expertise or the infrastructure to collect anything like this sum .
12 An adult nowadays can not really say , or even someone in school , in secondary school can not say that they do not know the dangers of cigarettes .
13 People are always complaining that they do not have enough work space/dumping space , but it may well be what they really need is better organized storage .
14 Women who expressly state that they do not consent to intercourse may nevertheless be considered to consent to it .
15 On the other , members often say that they do n't feel involved ; that committees do all the work without reference to them .
16 This has created a long period of uncertainty , but in fact it now appears that they do not grant core funding ( and inside information indicates that the NCC element is the dominant one ) .
17 In their ambivalence , their way of asking often ensures that they do not get the closeness they say they want .
18 The chief executive and British Rail generally reportedly say that they do not see themselves as being in the business of transporting goods that need to be moved fast .
19 I am not sure who is more demoralised by that — the local people , who frequently complain that they do not get a quick response when they need help , or the local police , who attend the crime in an attempt to do the good job that they intended when they entered the police force , knowing that they are likely to be pulled in all directions to answer calls on a blue line that has been pulled far too thin by the Government 's demands .
20 If feeding beef and fish pieces ( to any piscivore , not just these ) please remember that they do not contain the calcium and other minerals found in the bones of their natural diets and therefore it is essential to provide prawns or feeder shrimps fairly regularly .
21 They 're young and you 're still maintaining them when you 're alive you ca n't pretend that they do n't exist when the will comes along .
22 This means that data users , when they register , must state all the purposes for which the data are likely to be used , and they must then ensure that they do not use the data in any other ways .
23 There are , however , homœopathists who carry about with them on their visits to patients the homœopathic medicines in the fluid state , and who yet assert that they do not become more highly potentised in the course of time , but they thereby show their want of ability to observe correctly .
24 A person who is tested at a STD clinic may also expressly say that they do not wish their GP to know about it , which may be important later if the GP is ever asked to write a medical report about that person .
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