Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [been] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No one knew why , though the Dutch gunner Colonel opined that the reason for the Prince 's hasty departure could not have been of great importance , or else the Duke would surely have left with the Prince .
2 Firstly , the hypotensive effect of this drug may not have been of sufficient size to reduce microalbuminuria .
3 Unless the buyer can show that there was a latent defect present in the goods at the time of delivery which later became manifest ( and hence that the goods could not have been of merchantable quality at the time of delivery ) he may be left with no remedy .
4 When services were concentrated in large hospitals , it was possible for good managers to keep a watchful eye open for the danger signals , and although the physical and emotional environment may not have been of high quality , most residents would be properly fed and clothed and protected from abuse .
5 It would seem that Miller can not have been on amicable terms with the gardeners there , otherwise he would have made a point of a visit then .
6 He may also have been behind certain elements of the design .
7 As for our own species , the oldest evidence , going back to possibly about 35,000 BC , reveals that the dead were not only equipped with weapons , tools , and ornaments but also with food , which must often have been in short supply among the living .
8 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
9 After electricity privatization , however , the government is allowing power companies to select which stations should be fitted with FGD ; the majority thus far have been in eastern England .
10 It may well have been with mixed feelings that Hamilton gave up Painshill and its burdens after some thirty-five years .
11 Yet the earliest known usage of ‘ South Saxons ’ does not appear until a royal charter of 689 names them and their king , Northelm , although the term may well have been in common use for some time before that .
12 There 's no doubt that the street-wisdom of the English forwards has been of huge value to them .
13 Aquitaine , still English , had not attracted much attention from either side since 1413 , the military emphasis since then having been on northern France .
14 The ‘ sex arrangement ’ she had joked about had been about other people , and their attitude to strange bodies cluttering up the place .
15 One of the most farcical rivalries was that which existed for a time between two groups of prisoners who earlier had been in different Oflags .
16 We 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen , ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in the streamed situation .
17 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that they totally solved the problem of what to do with the brighter child , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes , because the sort of pupils we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptions in their own right — we 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen/ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in a streamed situation .
18 It hit sectors and people who largely escaped before , the skilled , the clerical workers , the managers and the professionals who 've been badly mauled this time , and where last time around er the service sector was expanding to mop up some of those who 'd lost their jobs in manufacturing , this time the service sector too has been in deep trouble .
19 Gozitan wine is cheap but just recently has been of variable quality .
20 The emphasis in econometric research until recently has been on developing estimators with desirable large sample properties for correctly specified models .
21 And as the years from retirement lengthen , it seems more and more tenuous to group men in terms of long-past work , let alone women who since marriage may never have been in paid work at all .
22 Any landowners who had been successful in this kind of enterprise would certainly have been of immediate interest to Paulus in his search for enemies of the State , as exploiters of pagan superstition .
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