Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [Wh det] be going " in BNC.

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1 I was expecting that at any minute Mum would shout down to find out what was going on but she must have been preoccupied , trying on her new frock .
2 This computer will include information gathered by area constables whose job is to : ‘ secure the service of at least one observer in every street , not a paid professional informant , but someone who knows the inhabitants and is inquisitive enough to find out what is going on and will pass on information . ’
3 So sorting out what is going on in an ERP is like untangling a complex bundle of many different strands of similar wool with one hand tied behind the back .
4 This not only opens up what is going on , but takes us forward as well .
5 you soon figure out what 's going on .
6 ‘ A neurotic , ’ he said , ‘ is a man who 's just worked out what 's going on . ’
7 Tell me , did the great galactic public ever find out what was going on on Checkley 's World ? ’
8 The trouble is that he ca n't recreate the formula , so he is pretty teed off by the time his fund manager Dr Crane ( Lorraine Bracco ) turns up to find out what 's going on .
9 By screwing her eyes up against the glare , she could just about make out what was going on in the refectory .
10 I could n't make out what was going on so I began walking towards the image , binoculars pressed to my eyes .
11 I ca n't work out what 's going on . ’
12 I ca n't find out what 's going on while I 'm locked in the basement . ’
13 ‘ First , if we leave now I wo n't find out what 's going on , and as you know I do n't like to leave anywhere until I know what 's going on .
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