Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 The long line of leading Conservatives on the platform fixed their faces into expressions of interested concern , and prepared themselves for what could only turn out to be a surfeit of oratory .
2 Meanwhile Norman Stone 's confident his reputation wo n't be dented like that of Lord Dacre , the Oxford historian who helped the Sunday Times serialise what he thought were the Hitler diaries but soon turned out to be a hoax .
3 She was not brought up to be a major figure in political life , let alone a ruler .
4 Ee , I 'm not cut out to be a tragedy queen , ’ said Hilda .
5 Maybe I 'm just not cut out to be a policeman .
6 This book intentionally sets out to be a companion to art history by cataloguing movements and critics rather than artists , who are included if they have written on art .
7 However , because it is very difficult in practice to evaluate the integrals which this method involves , this does not turn out to be a convenient method for obtaining explicit solutions .
8 ‘ In fact , it may not turn out to be a job at all , but without you we could n't know for sure . ’
9 Knowing my right hon. Friend 's concern for birds and particularly for our very valuable poultry industry , will he keep an eye on the latest scare for our ’ bootiful ’ turkey industry and ensure that that nonsense about which we are hearing — podo dermatitus — does not turn out to be a load of gobbledegook ?
10 In those stories , the prince almost always turned out to be a god who sought earthly pleasure from his love only until he tired of her .
11 And being an Asian is almost always made out to be a disadvantage .
12 Stripped of the elaborate language of general equilibrium theory , what this criticism usually boils down to is a very simple question : if there is general excess supply in the labour market , what forces prevent the real wage rate from being adjusted downwards ?
13 Clint also turns out to be a film buff , and an occasional member of Rainbow 's reading public ( ‘ but that damned magazine of yours is a bitch to find outside London ’ ) .
14 The afternoon in question was spent in a painful attempt ( wholly unsuccessful ) to keep up with a young woman who later turned out to be a champion rider with a European reputation .
15 In Germany , where Hertz had discovered the radio waves in accordance with Maxwell 's theory of the electromagnetic field , and where in 1895–7 W. K. Röntgen ( using a Crookes tube to generate cathode rays ) had discovered X-rays , the general belief was that the cathode rays would also turn out to be a form of wave in the ether .
16 He turned and looked back into the room and towards what she dimly made out to be a number of people .
17 Plato obtained from Egyptian priests what now turns out to be a detailed account of the Minoan civilization and its sudden end .
18 Plus what had now turned out to be a ganglion .
19 As with Ravel , the deception was usually in favour of the consumer , because it often turned out to be a famous and justly well-known artist using a different name for contractual reasons .
20 And besides , ’ she added with a touch of spite , ‘ I do n't think I 'm really cut out to be a member of your harem . ’
21 You are n't really cut out to be a cop . ’
22 This frequently turns out to be a manifestation of the fact that Satanists are praying for the breakdown of Christian marriage .
23 I did n't set out to be a sculptor but discovered at college it was much more of a natural thing for me .
24 " Oswin said I was n't cut out to be a nun .
25 Yasmin says that she did n't start out to be a model .
26 You 'd gain if you avoided putting that down as a score draw , especially of course if it did n't turn out to be a score draw .
27 Until I can do this , the entire complex cascade I have described in the previous section , and which has taken a decade of work to map , might simply turn out to be a consequence of a bad taste in the chick 's mouth and nothing to do with learning and memory at all .
28 Should she prove to be young and pretty this might even turn out to be a pleasure .
29 After putting in all those runners the actual bold swing across turns out to be a very small step for mankind .
30 If their stay however turns out to be a longer one console yourself that the Gyroflo oven is easy to manage and having that extra 25% cooking space per shelf , will give you all the room you 'll need for that larger roast and all those extra fairy cakes .
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