Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] from [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the enlightenment of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , scientific medicine finally struggled out from beneath the dead hand of classical authority .
2 She was very nervous at first and would not come out from behind the piano .
3 She turned and signalled to her maids who at once came out from beneath the trees and hurried along the path to her .
4 He simply moved out from between the cars as if he was going to walk off and Maggie took two aggressive steps forward .
5 There are one or two old professors here left over from before the liberation ( apparently no profs have been appointed since ) and the professor of English , Prof. Chen Jia , is a charming though deaf old fellow who studied in the U.S.A. , and who used to write books on English literature before the Cultural Revolution put a stop to all that sort of thing — but even so he quoted a bit of Chaucer to me surreptitiously at the dinner table .
6 She offered a black Balkan Sobranie for the light I offered and only then looked up from under the wide-brimmed black hat she wore .
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