Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Red crew gained a length by the mile post and 2 ½ by Hammersmith Bridge , but the freshmen hung on to lose by about the same margin , six seconds behind Red Alligator 's winning time of 19min 46sec .
2 The Foreign Secretary stressed , however , that aid on its own can never ensure reform is successfully carried through in the two countries .
3 George Stephen remembered how as a youth he heard ‘ many a semi-domestic debate as to the extent to which parliamentary manoeuvring could be successfully carried out with the ministerial benches ’ .
4 In the 1990s there was only the hope that her fires , so vigorously stoked up by the dispossessed , would begin to burn down of their own accord .
5 It leaves me like a right fool out in the bloody open . ’
6 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
7 Among other research it led to a series of studies — mostly carried out in the 1950s and 1960s — of the personalities of very creative people .
8 She felt such a clown , standing before them with that vulgar object between her open legs , but she slowly sank down towards the disgusting dildo and manipulated her thighs until the blunt tip was nudging at the portals of her reluctant orifice .
9 This was effectively carried through by the strong Liberal government elected in 1906 in the Trade Disputes Act of that year .
10 Much of the meeting was apparently given over to the specific role X/Open will play .
11 Much of the meeting was apparently given over to the specific role that X/Open will play .
12 Three times through the winter , Cascade had been within days of being fully formed , only to fall down at the last minute .
13 The ferocious ‘ Wally ’ Fuentes Morrison only joined up after the 1973 coup .
14 BARRY LANE produced a best-of-the-week 66 to come from eight behind to force a tie with Jose-Maria Canizares ( 74 ) in the Rome Masters at windswept Castelgandolfo yesterday , only to lose out at the fourth play-off hole .
15 Bypassing the entrance to the huge living-room , which looked dim and shadowy in the faint glow from the circular night-lights sunk into the wooden-slat ceiling , she followed the passageway until she came to another flight of steps , which obviously led down to the lowest level of the house .
16 Further , he suggested that the principle of the exemption of the civilian population from being an intentional object of warfare had been so whittled down during the Second World War and in post-1945 treaties as to cease to offer reliable guidance except in the most unambiguous circumstances .
17 An hour later she was still happily chatting to the woman , finding out about the terrible Harry who had ‘ torn the heart ’ right out of her daughter and gone off with a woman from Cork , which naturally led on to the dreadful and often incomprehensible ways of men and the stupid way women always put up with it .
18 Sweetman turned a furious smeared face at us , then drove his garish boat hard at Wavebreaker 's hull to gouge a long scratch down to the bare metal .
19 Gon na see how , per haps perhaps fits in with the other erm bits , so who 's starting off , you 're starting off are n't you ?
20 Their rooms at the Royal Albion Hotel were just a few doors from each other and it was Ken 's job to see that she always had her mug of cocoa before going to bed — and indeed that she was warmly tucked up at the right time for a lady of her years and responsibilities .
21 Every now and then I can see it all so clearly ; a nice log fire and a little round table with a tablecloth , and hot toast with great slabs of butter , and crumpets with honey all oozing out of the little holes , and a china cup with steaming tea — ’
22 If used constructively , instructional programs can be very effective but they can be very boring if they are used merely to transfer work to the microcomputer which would be better carried out in the traditional manner .
23 Very soon , they eat enough to pass on to the next stage of their life cycle .
24 Noreen suddenly looked up at the Italian woman .
25 The legend recounted how seventy translators had worked in independent cells and had all come up with the identical version of the sacred text .
26 Key members accused the MPs of being so caught up in the technical arguments and the prospect of winning one concession from the Government after a barren frustrating decade that they lost sight of the big picture .
27 The first task of working out a method whereby society can be apprehended as a social system for the organization of production , rather than as a structure of consciously realized institutions , is only sketched out in The German Ideology , but it was to be developed in all of Marx 's later work , and it culminated in the analysis of capitalism contained in the three volumes of Capital .
28 The State Department in Washington still must decide what to do with the migrants , apparently picked up by the Panamanian-registered East Wood from an island off China to be smuggled to Hawaii .
29 ‘ If you 'd be kind enough to come down to the front door , I 'll explain everything . ’
30 Tory asked suddenly , pointing down to a strand of granite pebbles by which a group of bright blooms apparently sprouted out of the shallow water .
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