Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a new Fender Strat , bought from a shop on Shaftsbury Avenue in February ‘ 62 , and yes , I wish I still had it , but only to sell it for the large sums they fetch now !
2 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
3 The Scottish Typographical Circular reported of this conflict that " people are beginning to see that making women printers … will only unfit them for the active and paramount duties of female society " .
4 Dad 's a , dad 's just nominated you for the big in the campus .
5 I have just done it for the only time in the 23,400,000 minutes of my life so far , and I doubt if I 'll do it again , so call these odds one in 25 million .
6 The odds cited above would have given little comfort to the man in Kurunagala who , during a rash of cattle thefts , had to pay a ransom for the same animal seven times before finally selling it for the paltry sum of two rupees .
7 I got off with Andrew but that 's all a p only a who I get off with him and I do n't fancy him , I know I do n't want to go out with him I just fancy him for the occasional snog , fair enough but I 'm just saying like you know you fancy
8 Why is it that those countries can accept basic , decent minimum standards for their people whereas this Government will not accept them for the British people ?
9 It is said that there is a spell within the music , and that they always spin it for the true heir , and that it protects that heir throughout his life .
10 It was a move that clearly suited him for the following season he was picked for the county squad .
11 I am certainly going to miss him , I have only really known him for the past seven days , but it seems like years .
12 Should the prosecution now try them for the distinguished Great Mail Robbery or for murder ?
13 ‘ To be honest , I could n't even say when I 'm going to be back but I 've got to realistically think I wo n't make it for the European Cup . ’
14 All you have ever read about the delights of fast-jet aerobatics still ca n't prepare you for the utter , mind-blowing super-smooth , almost silent exhilaration of the real thing !
15 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
16 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
17 ‘ You 've had everything and everyone your way from much too young , and it has n't prepared you for the big , wide world .
18 I think one of the problems is , that a lot of shoppers do n't realize that they 're entering into a contract and we do n't realize it for the simple reason that most people have , as soon as you hear the word contract you have a mental image of a legal document that you sign , do n't you ?
19 One man who took early retirement at 61 thought , at the time , that the advantage of early retirement was ‘ The fact that there are so many young people out of work and I thought I 'd done a lifetime 's work and might as well leave it for the young ones . ’
20 Takes more than a little snow ( like four feet of it in the suburbs ) to slow down the charging bull of Oracle Corp , and the company yesterday said that ‘ Through Rain , Sleet or the Coldest Arctic Snow in Century , the show will go on for Oracle 's Product Announcement of Cooperative Development Environment in New York City today ! ’ adding that ‘ If you are stuck on the sunny west coast attending UniForum , please join us for the delayed CDE announcement and demonstration . ’
21 Well , well thank you for the supporting me Victor , that snort came from the bearded one there .
22 The process did n't perturb him for the simple reason that it did n't repel Willie .
23 For example , an investor could buy a ten-year bond , hold it for one year and receive the coupon , and then sell it for the current price of a nine-year bond with the same coupon .
24 He told the rector at Boston that this was a person of unusual spiritual powers ; that how to train him for the whole Church was a responsibility ; that he was anxious that these abilities should not be confined to academic spheres .
25 Nothing had quite prepared us for the sheer presence of king penguins .
26 Nothing , however , quite prepared us for the momentous last months of this decade .
27 If the Secretary of State is able to give an honest answer at the Dispatch Box , will he tell us that if he genuinely surveys the objections and sees that the vast majority of the people of Ayrshire object to opting out , he will give democratic and fair-minded consideration to the consultative process and , at best , abandon the idea of opting out or at least postpone it for the foreseeable future ?
28 ‘ I would like once again to thank you for the major contribution you 've made to our AIDS education programme this year .
29 The difference being , of course , that in those days the phenomenon of semi-literacy did not exist and readers of Disraeli 's or Thackeray 's novels would neither mistake them for the real world , nor read them to the exclusion of all real political texts .
30 Sonny , of course , never made it for the final show .
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