Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] have give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And in so doing he has given us the joyrider 's equivalent of Neil Young 's ‘ Tonight 's The Night ’ , The Pogues ' ‘ Hell 's Ditch ’ and the Stones ' ‘ Exile On Main Street ’ — one of those awful black records to turn to when you 're feeling at your most morbid .
2 While Sarazen felt ‘ the biggest heel in the world ’ , he also knew he had to give himself the best chance of winning the Open ; and that , regrettably , could not be achieved with his old caddie Dan .
3 I really felt I 'd given myself totally to African life . "
4 I still have n't given , that 's reminded me seeing Shona there , I , I do n't think I 've given her that pair of trousers and the sweatshirt and I told her that I 've got them .
5 Stu , I mean I live in Glasgow , the chances of me leaving Glasgow are pro , pre pretty slim but yeah , I certainly do n't want to stay in Scotland because of any loyalty , that I do n't think it 's given me very much other than a lot of experience , a lot of struggle , a lot of opportunities to stand alongside working class people and fight against , you know , the injustices .
6 He did n't know he had to give him a little verbal back .
7 Tabkay says he does n't feel he has given anything up to be a Buddhist monk .
8 At least , Scarlet thought , Camille did n't notice I 've given her wholemeal bread .
9 ‘ I ca n't say I 'd given everything to make my husband what he was , or that he 'd cheated on me .
10 Why do I have to give myself galloping shingles and chronic insomnia just so as the critic of the Evening Standard can say , ‘ Maureen Lipman is to the world of chat show hosts what Frank Bruno is to the world of petit-point ’ ? ’
11 From my position as the chair of a governing body of a primary school , I do n't actually think it 's given us very much more flexibility in how we run that school or how that school is operated , and I do n't really and I find it very difficult to see the benefits of us becoming suddenly having erm the responsibility of the funding dumped on us , and therefore the responsibility of any cuts from from erm Local Authorities .
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