Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Though Thomas was greatly revered he had never been well off , and now that he had retired from government advisory jobs he earned nothing much except by writing .
2 She had always said she had never been a shop-girl and she was n't going to start now .
3 He seemed to inhabit his own world , set apart from them ; and Ruth hardly remembered it had once been her world too .
4 Children used to leave out hay for the kings ' horses and wake up to find it had mysteriously been replaced by presents .
5 ‘ I also feel we have all been treated shabbily .
6 A workman who put the goal posts up said they had only been temporarily secured .
7 He also said he had never been to St Kitts .
8 In the ease studies so far considered it has already been made clear that the particular study itself is , as it were , the product of a set of concerns in politics .
9 Heartily wishing she had never been provoked into volunteering that piece of information , Fabia did n't want him getting the idea that at twenty-two she could n't be a too well-seasoned journalist .
10 Hmm do n't think we 've ever been in
11 And the dance band they were actually number one that night and I do n't think they 've ever been heard since you know .
12 I do n't think she had really been hearing me till now .
13 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
14 I do n't think I 've ever been so tired before or since as I was just that , that first year when we were probationer nurses .
15 I do n't think I 've ever been to , quite pleasant .
16 Er I do n't think I 've ever been .
17 ‘ I do n't think I have ever been so frightened in my life , ’ said Terrie ( who is given to a little hyperbole at times ) .
18 I do n't think it has ever been done before , ’ said proud dad .
19 ‘ I did n't know you had ever been on the stage . ’
20 I did n't know he 'd even been out the first time .
21 ‘ I do n't believe I 've ever been unpleasant , ’ she returned , noting his easy use of her Christian name .
22 This is the sort of thing my mob is supposed to be ironing out and they dare n't admit they 've even been involved — except by whispering to people like Sprague .
23 You might feel a spontaneous urge to buy a particular present for a loved one and then find it has always been their secret wish .
24 Oh , I sometimes wish I had never been born ! ’
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