Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The result was widely considered to be indicative of the government 's increasing unpopularity .
2 One of the main reasons for the Soviet failure to undermine Latin American reliance on Western imports is that Soviet industrial machinery and equipment is widely considered to be inferior in quality to its capitalist produced counterparts .
3 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
4 An end to the worst bloodshed in recent years and the prospect of national peace and increased democracy was widely considered to be dependent on the successful outcome of three events taking place simultaneously .
5 It remained unclear to many analysts , however , whether the " no " vote was a rejection of demilitarization , or the expression of general uncertainty about the preservation of national sovereignty , given that Endara owed his installation in office to the December 1989 US military invasion of the country [ see pp. 37112-13 ] and that his government was widely considered to be subservient to US interests in the region .
6 I do so want to be pure in body and mind .
7 Since neither its eyes nor its ears are sufficiently developed to be functional at this stage , it probably finds its way to the pouch by smell .
8 The police have n't been able to trace her and we shall have to arrange an inquest — and of course the funeral , which she will naturally need to be concerned with . ’
9 Their requirements may be similar to those of others , but at present the vast majority of goods and services on offer are only designed to be user-friendly for fit , athletic members of MENSA !
10 In otder to minimise the influence of complications from the initial bleed , patients were only considered to be eligible for entry into the trial once they were stable with no evidence of any bleeding for five days and also no evidence of any other destabilising medical conditions ( such as septicaemia and renal failure ) .
11 Many collars , sprays and powders are only claimed to be effective against fleas .
12 In making time to provide reflection the head not only has to be clear about the relative priority of helping out , taking on chores and providing workaday leadership but also has to have confidence in the extent to which his or her colleagues expect leadership .
13 He had obviously decided to be pleasant to her .
14 A rich peasant is a peasant who works his own land but will employ some wage labour as well because he has a large enough plot to be able to , to need to do that .
15 On the other hand , Virtual Network Architecture is nicely positioned to be scalable to the wide area .
16 Processed food , therefore , not only tends to be deficient in essential nutrients but also contains an increasing array of possibly toxic artificial chemicals .
17 Marriage and the family were only thought to be relevant in considering young women 's careers , not young men 's .
18 ‘ It 's not necessarily going to be present in our relationship for the rest of our lives .
19 Von Sophias Jonnifer , who I personally consider to be capable of winning anywhere in the world .
20 It is a thumping big read , but at £17.99 in hardcover it is obviously going to be good as a £4.99 paperback .
21 The introduction of markets and contracts is obviously going to be fraught with problems for those patient groups who present a multiplicity of different health and social care needs .
22 It is fundamentally important that these 12 Steps are actually worked rather than recited or merely thought to be nice in theory .
23 But here he confuses the issue , for while print may well have initially encouraged authors to focus on an individual 's perception and cognition of the world , this does not mean that this technique is necessarily bound to be dominant in printed texts , for as the novel evolved , so did the concept of point of view .
24 To be completely consistent perhaps Gandhi would not only have to be opposed to the killing of animals for food , but also to the killing of disease-carrying rats , mosquitoes , and venomous snakes , and those forms of plant life that are essential to a vegetarian diet .
25 The fact that work performed-by one group is not necessarily found to be repeatable by another is nothing new .
26 So try to be Mediterranean about it .
27 At the same time she had fiercely wanted to be proud of Phoebe , to support Phoebe 's admirable fight on her behalf .
28 We ride a long way and in late afternoon ( sun time rather than clock time , which has long ceased to be important to us ) we stop for coffee so that Odd-Knut can work out a route .
29 Children are not only encouraged to be proud of who they are , but to discuss any differences . ’
30 I particularly like the way the markedly understated look of the combo belies its facilities ; I much prefer to be surprised by a product 's performance .
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