Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [be] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
2 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock is widely claimed to be the first comet discovered by an orbiting observatory — the Infrared Astronomical Satellite , IRAS .
3 The thing is that I should so like to be the first to know , officially … ’
4 What we had n't bargained for was that she might not want to be the next Franz Klammer .
5 He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six .
6 The advantage of using the OSCLI command is that you can use a variable for the file name and the command does not need to be the last ( or only ) one on a line .
7 Fearing a more violent explosion of disagreement , pride in not wanting to be the first to make a move .
8 We sometimes surprise ourselves as well as our near and dear ones by suddenly exploding into unreasonable anger over a trifling offence which just happens to be the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
9 Sparrow said he did not expect to be the last chairman of the Levy Board , which assesses and collects contributions from bookmakers to finance racing .
10 No longer wanting to be the second class citizens of the sport , the women golfers have used the Classic at Woburn to launch their new drive for equal opportunities .
11 He 's not going to be the next Boris Becker .
12 Needless to say , this is not going to be the last word in the debate between the constructivists and the nativists .
13 We made love , it just happened to be the first time for me .
14 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
15 During its history 19 has achieved many ‘ first ’ , the first British unit to receive the French SPAD , the first to operate the Sopwith Dolphin , the first squadron to be equipped with the supersonic Lightning F.2 , but 19 will probably be best known for being the first RAF Squadron to receive the Spitfire .
16 The long struggle of the provinces against the most powerful ruler in Europe has perhaps the best claim to be the first war of national liberation .
17 He had not meant to be the first to speak , but something in the other 's silence compelled him .
18 If he thought that he would hardly want to be the next head boy . ’
19 Though the Central Wales line was built in several sections at various times , its beginning as a through route is usually considered to be the 8th October 1868 , the commencement of public trains .
20 you find that people just say your going to a meeting , can I have a lift or of course your going well I 'll go with you and your never expected to drink , your always expected to be the last as you drop every body off , so erm , I 've had a years of that
21 However , his presence at the Treasury keeps the Thatcherite torch alive : he was once tipped to be the next leader but two ; now he could the next leader but one .
22 Fragments of papyri from the second millennium BC seem to be the first writings to deal exclusively with the subject matter of dreams , mainly concerning themselves with incest and bestiality with various animals .
23 I know in the recession of lot of parents have been forced to do just that , but it was always going to be a last resort and thankfully this winter 's tour means they can stay on where they are .
24 The kitchen always seems to be the first room in which you run out of space .
25 On subsequent journeys I would always try to be the first to see it and shout , ‘ There it is , I saw it first ! ’
26 ‘ We always try to be the first to drop our rates when they are falling , but the last to increase them when they are on their way up , ’ assures Vos .
27 Consequently , some first performances also prove to be the last .
28 It also claims to be the first European hotel with a direct connection to Reuter , offering 24 hour updates on world and financial news .
29 Launched in the Autumn of 1991 in the United States , Marquis is now believed to be the sixth most popular line of premium crystal sold in the U.S. during 1992 — one of the most successful launches ever of a new crystal brand in that country .
30 On the rostrum Joey said : ‘ You really need to be the first man at the Metropole if you want to be first at the finishing line . ’
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