Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 Looking back on these years , he remembered lying in the sun , his face covered with a straw hat : ‘ Other boys were always talking of when they would be men ; he did not want at all to be a man , or to possess things , but to remain as he was , in the same spot , and to know no more people than he already knew . ’
2 The victory of Kennett , who was not considered by many to be the state 's most able or charismatic politician , was interpreted as clear evidence of massive dissatisfaction with the ALP , which had governed the state for the last 10 years , and was alleged to have overseen serious financial mismanagement under both Kirner and her predecessor John Cain .
3 We do not seek for all to be totally convinced .
4 Following them was Kim Philby , who escaped to Moscow just ahead of MI5 in 1962 , and Anthony Blunt , who finally confessed in 1964 to being a long-time and important Russian spy only after having been granted immunity from prosecution .
5 The day after the declaration , which did not seem at first to be being taken seriously in Washington , Gen Noriega 's troops escalated the crisis into a confrontation .
6 The traditional , vertical Champagne press , based on the concepts employed by Dom Pérignon , is still considered by many to be the best means of pressing grapes for the sparkling wine of Champagne .
7 Milton 's God was Empson 's last book , in his lifetime , though when he died he was collecting at least three others : Using Biography ( 1984 ) , on Marvell , Dryden , Fielding , Yeats , Eliot and Joyce ; Essays on Shakespeare ( 1986 ) ; and a book of Renaissance essays , as well as a massive ragbag ( as he called it ) of papers and reviews dating back to the 1920s which , when it posthumously appeared as Argufying ( 1987 ) , was rapidly seen by many to be the finest critical miscellany in the language .
8 It is also considered by many to be the best surviving example of a tower mill .
9 Seclusion and privacy is also seen by many to be important .
10 Price recommends all caterers to not only determine the micron thickness when looking at silver-plated cutlery , but also to ask for this to be specified on the invoice .
11 One of his discoveries was originally thought by some to be wrong as no one was able to replicate it for nearly two years ; however , Fleischmann was eventually proved to be correct .
12 The substance , called Myodil , is now believed by many to be responsible for causing arachnoiditus .
13 Certainly pictorial Futurism owed a great deal to Cubism and was even considered by some to be , like Orphism , an off-shoot of it , although its development was exactly the converse of that of Orphism .
14 He was sufficiently well educated in Latin to be able to crack a Latin joke at the expense of a less learned Archbishop of Canterbury .
15 I will simply arrange for that to be sent to the Councils for them to take into account alongside , but not part of , my report .
16 I think it would be very helpful to the panel to know what proportion of that thirty six thousand is within the district , within the Greater York area , do n't ask for that to be done now , because it may well involve some difficult arithmetic , perhaps it 's tonight 's homework .
17 Better that it should end like this , when justice was not only done but manifestly seen by all to be done .
18 In relation to each other Fianna Fail , Fine Gael and Labour unusually happened in 1987 to be treated equitably : the number of first-preference votes per TD was 9,686 for Fianna Fail , 9,434 for Fine Gael , and 9,546 for Labour .
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