Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [subord] [pers pn] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pameton is little publicised because it is of value only to that small number of people who may misuse medicines .
2 We lean towards the view that : ‘ Race is only used when it 's to somebody 's advantage , and I do n't mean the working-man 's advantage …
3 Hill climbing is so called because it is like what one would do to find the top of a hill in a Scottish mist : Keep going up .
4 It might appear strange to classify a retailer as a manufacturer but this will only happen where he is under a duty to inspect the goods and fails to do so .
5 Never mind what you read and hear to the contrary ; your plants have had quite enough shock as it is without adding to it .
6 They 're in plenty enough trouble as it is over this deal . ’
7 As we shall discuss in the next chapter , there is a lot more work to be done before the causal process underlying this relationship is laid bare : we do not know whether it is through buying a better diet or better medical care , for example , that richer countries improve their life expectancy .
8 Such permanent divergences in character have often arisen in the distinct races of a domesticated species , and in the wild they would be accompanied by an unwillingness or inability to interbreed ; for there , Darwin argues , the reproductive system , with the associated instincts , is not disrupted as it is in domesticated species .
9 The majority of it is in private ownership but livestock are almost always excluded and regeneration of woodland is not prevented as it is in most of the upland woods in the UK .
10 The Chancellor should be wary of the argument that the deficit does not matter because it is in the private sector .
11 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
12 In a response to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) on Thursday , the Prime Minister made it clear that he would not be supporting the Wild Mammals ( Protection ) Bill , which will come before the House on Friday , but did not clarify whether he is in favour of a ban on fox hunting .
13 Make no mistake , Wright 's short fuse is a serious business and if Graham is to lose a top player through suspension , on top of all the headlines on his ill-discipline , the Arsenal manager may soon wonder if he is worth the trouble .
14 I urge my right hon. Friend to ensure that other EC countries emulate our far-reaching rules and regulations to ensure that there is a total ban on veal crates throughout the Community and that the transportation of live animals , particularly horses and ponies , inside the European continent is as stringently controlled as it is in this country under our domestic rules and regulations .
15 It is in a villa which you will easily find because it is near the river .
16 There 's another item of news , which erm , er Ron only got on the sixteenth August and it 's about the pre-congress pensioner 's march and rally , now the congress is held in Glasgow , so I think we were n't going to that one anyway , but it just giving details of erm the arrangements for the pensioner 's march which we usually have , we usually attend if it 's in the South anywhere , but that 's just for information .
17 He added that ‘ this significant meeting of minds between responsible welfare organisations concerned for experimental animals and my profession , deeply involved as it is in the protection of all animals used by society , is a major advance in establishing a cornerstone for legislation in this field ’ .
18 It is not formally structured as it is in the ballets of other countries where choreographers are more likely to present the traditional dance itself , slightly adapted for the stage with the footwork more complicated .
19 ‘ No woman ever pays when she 's with me . ’
20 Well it 's probably gon na be easier asking you to nip up to shop than it is for me trying to get back .
21 Cartoonists may portray the international businessman flitting from five-star hotel to five-star hotel , and waking up to wonder if he is in New York or Tokyo .
22 Jackie says her role is to look after the horse and make sure he 's ready on time and looking right and also to judge whether he 's in a good mood or bad mood … she says 's he 's a good horse
23 To think that we should destroy the coal industry and then say , ’ Well , if we have no coal industry , we shall have to have a nuclear power industry and what it costs does not really matter because it is in the nation 's interest to do it , ’ does not make sense .
24 Kagan arrived in my office and proceeded to tell me a story , which I can now recount as it is in the public domain .
25 What 's actually happened is , first of all Tracey 's leaving , she 's been promoted to Area Telesales Manager for Talking Pages so she 's going up to Slough and Michelle will be going for that position , and one other girl and the two others that are on management development , one is now leaving cos she 's like , burnt out , she does n't want to do it any more and the other one 's going into the field so it 's literally just me and this other girl and Michelle , but I 'm obviously just starting , but next time around it 'll just be me again Di , and Dianna is good at her work
26 I could actually tomorrow to see if it 's in the library could n't I ?
27 Whatever you do , do n't wait until she 's in pain .
28 I ca n't wait until it 's on the shelves . ’
29 I do n't know whether it 's worth putting it as a separate
30 Erm , four nine , the research of formal question letter , order form or contract , to my mind , quite honestly , a purchase order form is a contract from the client but erm , the quiff seemed to think that it was n't so , I do n't know whether it 's worth changing this , depends how the auditors form .
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