Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] they are [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield has already enlarged upon the facts in the fine document which was produced in 1991 and I can only assume that they are correct .
2 Surely , bankers are cautious people and only lend if they are satisfied that there is sufficient security to cover the debt ?
3 Many underground investigators have become highly frustrated because they are unable to pursue the sorts of questions that an acknowledged researcher could pursue ( see Bulmer , 1982 for a relevant discussion ) .
4 In practice , the registrars are often supplied with a draft of the affidavit in advance not only to ensure that they are happy with its contents but also to ensure compliance with the necessary procedures .
5 Cichlids will only breed when they are ready , totally satisfied with their surroundings , and also in the peak of condition .
6 Insock are only marked where they are removable .
7 Not only is that unfair , but it will require checks by local authorities , and snooping to see how couples are living together to decide whether they are liable for each other 's bill .
8 Their notion of the essence of tragedy is " the struggle of the hero with fate " ( like Schelling ) or " the triumph of the moral world-order " ( like Schiller ) or " the discharge of the emotions " ( like Lessing and other neo-Aristotelians ) One can only suppose that they are incapable of the proper response to tragedy : that is , an aesthetic response to a work of art .
9 Although that does not necessarily mean that they are good or bad managers , it may have an impact on the employees ' decision about whether they wish to be part of any bid .
10 Even if numbers are there in profusion and quoted to several places of decimals this does not necessarily mean that they are reliable or useful .
11 If children are being quiet and good while out shopping many mothers ignore them and only respond once they are difficult .
12 We can only hypothesize that they are typical .
13 Conveyancing services are now only covered where they are necessary to implement a court order , or an agreement made in matrimonial proceedings , or where the client is proposing to enter a rental purchase agreement or conditional sale agreement .
14 The RAC tends to have local firms dealing with their matters and can always be approached as stated above to see if they are prepared to allow you some introductions .
15 While the County Council has noted these points , it does not consider that they are relevant to the definition of greenbelt boundaries .
16 If we do not know whether they are representative , then we can not claim that our conclusions have any relevance to anybody else at all .
17 Some of them are missing six years and their families do not know if they are alive . ’
18 Plaintiffs should not assume that they are entitled to be " whitewashed " by a defendant who has paid them merely nominal damages , and it would be more satisfactory if judges made some enquiries of the parties before they approve statements which are made as matters of public record .
19 These are disease-free and nutritious and are best fed when they are fresh from the hatchery and still contain the marine algae , on which they in turn were fed , undigested in their stomachs .
20 While the evidence he cites shows that Y-cells may be capable of sustaining some form of pattern vision it does not show that they are responsible for it in the normal brain .
21 Moreover , constitutional lawyers may write about " old " Parliaments being able to bind and limit a " new " Parliament , and may suggest that a " new judicial attitude " ( whereby judges no longer accept that they are subordinate to Parliament ) would make for a fresh start so that " the doctrine that no Parliament can bind its successors becomes ancient history " , but these tricky legal formulations do not alter the fact that constitution-making occurs in the context of a political reality which limits what is feasible , acceptable , and enforceable .
22 The rather shy students must be encouraged to shout the launching orders clearly and loudly , so that if they need to shout ‘ stop ’ , they do not hesitate because they are reluctant to raise their voice .
23 Close examination of even the main data series which form the canon of economic management soon reveals that they are subject to significant margins of error .
24 If the sender does not intend violations of the principle to be perceived as such , or if the receiver does not realize that they are deliberate , then communication degenerates into lying , obfuscation , or simply breaks down altogether .
25 However , turning aside these local instruments , and that is not to suggest that they are unimportant , how may lawyers and interested laymen each year obtain copies of delegated legislation which are thought to , and may indeed , affect their client 's or their own life and course of conduct , only to find that they are out of print or not yet available ?
26 ‘ I will not withdraw them and will not apologise because they are accurate and were not meant to offend , ’ he said .
27 While we do not suggest that they are applicable to or practicable in other countries , we believe that they have features that are worthy of consideration elsewhere .
28 The particular problem with many ageing people is that they do not recognize that they are capable , and have the energy to deal with their own problems and feelings .
29 The Snotlings will not move until they are able to move within 12″ of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit , and if charged by enemy troops they are automatically broken as if they had failed a panic or fear test .
30 ‘ He said ‘ I am not saying that they are happy but the treatment has been unfair and exaggerated in the papers ’ . ’
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