Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was she who eventually recommended that Laura go to a college she knew of — one where she would find an environment supportive of her experience .
2 In fact , Mr Manning has repeatedly stated that he and the party would much prefer that Quebec remain as part of Canada , but not at any price .
3 Supplies are obviously limited and prices start from £550 including case
4 Of this ‘ unheard of frost ’ one chronicler recorded that ‘ Men felt so oppressed that days passed by unheeded .
5 We must correct this tendency which is almost a cultural problem , ’ Louis Gallois , a leading civil servant told a conference last month , so revealing that planners have at last caught a whiff of their inbuilt handicap .
6 Well Madam Speaker , we 'll start making progress when members opposite realise that jobs come from companies being competitive , from private enterprise being able to sell goods and services competitively and it is members opposite who believe that the state can provide employment on this of the house we believe that government agencies can assist the market to operate effectively and real jobs will come from free enterprise which members opposite stand against .
7 Suddenly smoke and oil poured from his Spitfire , which was in danger of crashing .
8 But this conclusion is not particularly illuminating as it merely says that children come into local authority care when no one else can care for them , a repetitive statement we call a tautology .
9 ‘ Real collaboration only happens when people working on the same scale want to share the results of their work or are willing to put money in a pool for an expensive project ’ said another official .
10 Fundamentally , politicians in our system are almost always guided by two considerations : first , short-term gains , since their horizons stretch only to the next election ; second , public pressure if it is strong enough to suggest that votes depend on their response .
11 The screen was obviously needed because trains approaching from Horderley would be hidden from view by the spur of hillside around which the road ran .
12 But Ben soon tired of such games and merely watched as Meg went from shop to shop , unchallenged by the android shopkeepers .
13 And we 're old-fashioned enough to believe that children come after marriage , not before . ’
14 He only knew that Chris worked on the grocery side of the shop , and wondered how he would know him , but his problem was soon solved .
15 Being certified deaf and blind does n't necessarily mean that people live in total blackness or silence .
16 So to summarize that in terms of a of of a kinetic diagram , we can basically write that channels exist in closed and open states .
17 Althusser therefore criticizes the Annales historians for merely arguing that periodizations differ for different times , and that each time has its own rhythms .
18 This kind of link between GIS and other modelling programs is to be warmly welcomed and parallels work at the NWRRL in linking GIS and air pollution plume models .
19 Slowing down means that roads have to be crossed with more care and that bad road and pavement conditions are greater hazards .
20 It was suddenly realized that films dealing with contemporary city life were doing well and the new realism was born .
21 Nor can any distinction be drawn on the basis that there were three persons involved whereas Chapman v. Honig was a ‘ two-party ’ case , for a true ‘ three-party ’ case only arises where A acts in a manner which is primarily unlawful in relation to B with the purpose of injuring C. In Acrow there was no B.
22 She only awoke when George came to bed , bringing the baby for his last feed of the day .
23 Appropriate conditions for layering by the mechanism proposed here only occur when crystals escape from the unstable boundary layer or crystal nucleation occurs in the interior .
24 A MAN died and a girl was badly injured when fire ripped through a house yesterday .
25 The chance did not arise because Pascoe left in a purple-faced fury .
26 She was still naïve enough not to realize that ideas tossed of the cuff could sound quite different in the cold print of day .
27 Similarly , if you have junior managers reporting to you , ensure that they have a similar debate with their staff and follow this through to see that action occurs on the suggestions .
28 If this is not diagnosed and recurrences occur at the same site , the patient will be labelled as a refractory case of non-specific urethritis and may be subjected to prolonged courses of antibiotic treatment , which , of course , will have no effect on the course of the disease .
29 Icelandic Poppies ( P. nudicaule ) are perennials best treated as biennials sown in July and planted out in the autumn for flowering from early Spring .
30 The work of thousands of social workers has been frustrated because SSDs have not developed as agencies based on social work values .
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