Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she only smiled and turned him towards the door .
2 Aung San overcame his plea that he just wanted to go on writing and brought him to Rangoon .
3 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
4 An act carried out by a partner in the usual course of the business of the firm will be binding on the firm notwithstanding that the partner concerned lacked the necessary authority unless the third party knew of the limitation to that partner 's authority or did not know or believe him to be a partner .
5 If you were to come yourself Lily or the child 's Father I could not stand in your way whatever my feelings which are strong , but to hand over my Precious little one to a Young and Foreign girl who spoke his only language poorly that I could not do and send him with her on a dangerous voyage most frightening to him .
6 Do you just try and quiet him by are you soothing ?
7 ‘ Why not go and see him in the proper way instead of lurking around by night ? ’
8 ‘ No , ’ said Cardiff , noting with rising anger that Rohmer was just standing and watching him with that smile on his face again .
9 Acclaiming him as one of the chief progenitors , the critics come not to bury but to praise him with faint damns .
10 The son of Tony and Monica Dickinson , who respectively preceded and succeeded him in charge at Poplar House , Harewood ( not far from Leeds in Yorkshire ) , Michael Dickinson had ridden 378 winners in eleven seasons as a jockey before taking out a trainer 's licence for the 1980–1 season .
11 She became assertive-in-spite-of-herself , and marching rapidly from one end of the kitchen to the other , which she always did when entrusting him with a home truth , said , ‘ It 's not , Henry .
12 The princes thought this handsomely said and took him at his word .
13 As he tried to grab me , I feinted , slipped back to make him follow me , knowing he would think I was afraid , and then I let him have a classic straight left that hit him on the point of the jaw .
14 We had n't heard or seen him for a while so my father suggested I go round and check I 'm really horrified .
15 It was her apartment , paid for with her own money , and she did n't need or want him in her life any more .
16 And , and did but I do n't know whether to take him on holiday Doctor .
17 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
18 Tom Selleck as King Ferdinand of Spain is a real hoot — he ca n't decide whether to play him as a moody Continental or haughty monarch , so what we get is a cross between Magnum and Don Juan with an accent that hovers between Malibu and Basingstoke .
19 I even wondered whether to make him into soup or pâté . ’
20 Neither the personal circumstances of the patient nor a speculative answer to the question ‘ What would the patient have chosen ? ’ can bind the practitioner in his choice of whether or not to treat or how to treat or justify him in acting contrary to a clearly established anticipatory refusal to accept treatment but they are factors to be taken into account by him in forming a clinical judgment as to what is in the best interests of the patient .
21 In John 6:15 , there is a curious statement , that ‘ Jesus , who could see why they were about to come and take him by force and make him king , escaped back to the hills by himself . ’
22 Buchanan 's Triangles clubmate Mark Tosh pushed hard to try and catch him on the five-mile run but the Derry man won in a time of 1.28.52 .
23 The pupil 's classroom and working groups ( how an individual 's behaviour may have a function for the whole group who may then try and prevent him from changing it ; how groups may be handled so as not to ‘ need ’ one child 's particular behaviour and instead support his progress )
24 He was talented enough and resourceful enough to survive it , although I think it almost devastated and destroyed him at a certain point .
25 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
26 I 'd never endanger that , I 'd never try and separate him from his mother . ’
27 I believe she has even phoned an old school friend of mine whom she avowedly dislikes and asked him for the manuscript of a symphony we once composed together .
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