Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That the latter seems to be chosen overwhelmingly testifies not to the existence of coercion , but to careful selection procedures for placing persons in corporate positions coupled with successful methods of persuading them that their interests and the corporation 's interests happily coincide — or at least , that that is the most sensible , pragmatic way of looking at it .
2 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
3 Do you remember when as a child you would stand transfixed , gazing up at the grandfather clock , with your little heart beating faster and faster as the minute hand slowly crept up to the hour when suddenly , with magical ringing chimes it burst into life .
4 It may paper over things and succeed in buying time , but it can not overcome the class-based conflicts that will eventually bubble up to the surface .
5 She added : ‘ When he eventually got on to the train he left the bird on a seat next to his cabin .
6 I eventually got back to the switchboard and asked for the neurosurgical bed manager .
7 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
8 The Cult of Pleasure is revealed as being secretly given over to the worship of Slaanesh .
9 This division of the sky was eventually carried over to the division of the circle and so led to our present habit of dividing the complete ( two-dimensional ) angle around a point into 360 degrees .
10 ‘ I was all right walking down to the pit until I met the group of supporters then I had to crack . ’
11 However , not merely was there a conflict of medical evidence , but even Dr. D. , upon whose opinion Thorpe J. eventually based his decision , described W. as having ‘ a mild case of anorexia nervosa ’ and that although he ( Dr. D. ) had eventually come round to the view that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit , the decision was quite finely balanced .
12 This in effect meant that PFF actually did 45 sorties , but please to remember that few Pathfinder aircrew elected to opt out at the 45 mark and most carried on to the magic 60 , And further take note that over 100 PFF aircrew managed the ton ( 100 sorties ) .
13 A bizarre by-product has been the recognition of various richly decorated fragments of the church in places as far afield as Barcelona , Venice , Aquileia , and even Vienna , presumably carried off to the West as loot after 1204 , by members of the Fourth Crusade who evidently had an eye for exotic sculpture .
14 You 'd better hustle back to the stand , pronto !
15 Shop manager , Jim Willcock 's been allowed home from hospital , but he 's not well enough to go back to the co-op in Cam .
16 3 Stir in the peanut butter and gently bring back to the boil until the sauce thickens and goes glossy and smooth .
17 I wanted only to go down to the summer-house and watch the leaves falling until night fell with them .
18 He could see in a three hundred and sixty degree sphere via the pod sensor modules , just as he could feel the ambient temperature , and even smell the lubricant that someone had carelessly leaked on to the floor .
19 Lucie 's thoughts were entirely given over to the pain in his chest ; he was overrun with pain .
20 The play surrounds and only goes up to the time of Artemesia 's rape .
21 We got in to drive down to the medina .
22 One Sunday at the Trocadero the chief circle usher said to me , ‘ I think you 'd better come up to the back circle , Gents , we 've got a bloke behaving obscenely . ’
23 and you slid down twisting on to the grass .
24 The problem is to develop a device which as well as demonstrating a high degree of efficiency in converting wave energy into electricity , is also robust enough to stand up to the buffeting and corrosion of the sea .
25 This obviously adds on to the cost of your basic computer but if you are a small business it is n't an enormous amount .
26 He was particularly careful of any involvement with the Mamur Zapt , which was why Owen not only reported formally to the Khedive but was nominally subordinate to Garvin .
27 I had greatly looked forward to the meeting , hoping to hear words of wit and wisdom about the law , and perhaps a few good legal anecdotes .
28 All you need for each one is a piece of knitting beginning with a hem at the wrist , wide enough to go round the hand and long enough to reach easily to the base of the fingers .
29 ‘ Find a stick long enough to reach up to the cab , ’ he said .
30 Others hated and ignored them , saying they only came down to the city to steal .
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