Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having settled the tripartite and integrated structure of our students ’ training needs , we should perhaps consider how best to provide for them .
2 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
3 He took up his claret , drank , and moved to an anecdote which he had found scarcely ever failed and would surely , he was convinced , see him through this supper party as the man of wide travel , wide curiosity , the aristocratic rover who had finally come back home to live by the more profound , more refined things of life .
4 This subject added : " Occasionally I hear the first movement of his Third Concerto , which I do not know well enough to construct in my mind when I am fully conscious . "
5 It would be like returning to resit an examination in which we have not done well enough to proceed to another level of our education .
6 A class is thus said rather vaguely to consist of a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes , and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs .
7 They seem to be experiments in animal design that did not work efficiently enough to survive in the competition that became more and more intense as time passed and animal life proliferated .
8 I dared not turn round now to look for a vehicle , but I held my breath and listened for one — there was only the sound of my rubber soles on the macadam and the noise of wind .
9 She 'd just gone down there to look for any good-natured sucker .
10 Guido 's gaze was fixed seawards , watching the disappearing boat , and he did not turn round immediately to look at her .
11 In other regions , e.g. Dorset or North Yorks. , a period of c. 20-30 years usually appears long enough to account for the major part of a feature 's development , ( this is possibly the working life of an individual craftsman ) .
12 When I gave it away I believe I was still playing well enough to continue for a few more years , but I had had enough , and it was time to consider the family .
13 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
14 ‘ But Anna 's nowhere near fit enough yet to travel with you ! ’
15 The pool perimeter is also cut back sufficiently to allow for the pool edging .
16 And I hated having to give her my letters to you , but I could n't think how else to get in touch because I did n't know your address in Australia . ’
17 ‘ Miles , I did n't come down here to talk about insurance . ’
18 I say , ‘ Well , I did n't come down here to look at the scenery .
19 I was n't put here just to live for others .
20 Home video shows him enjoying a family Christmas but detectives believe he did n't live long enough to see in the New Year .
21 He cruised along contentedly on the bridle until being sent into the lead a quarter of a mile out and then galloped on resolutely to win by one and a half lengths .
22 Generally , what happens is , subject gets kidnapped , taken off to a distant planet , clued up upon the celestial wisdom of the space folk , then dumped back here to fend for himself .
23 She could feel them move , almost like a caress , towards her neck , then flicker slowly upwards to brush against her jawline .
24 He can move forwards , rolling the ball forwards , and then come back almost to sit on his heels .
25 Problems which are ignored are generally made worse with time , and consequently take much longer to deal with effectively , and also require more confidence and expertise on the part of the counsellor .
26 It is also a mark of the wavering course the Tories have pursued , hopping uncertainly from blue-rinsed stage set to matey bar stool to Mr Major 's rediscovered soapbox , but seldom pausing long enough to get across the gravity of their message .
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