Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This popular house fills very early with people who return year after year , so book very early for a front room .
2 I thought I 'd better come round today in a bit more positive mood .
3 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
4 Do n't forget , we only came down here for a drink .
5 and a balcony big enough to fit out maybe with a table and a parasol .
6 Despite the claims by many that advanced levels of technological development somehow lead to democracy and scientific thought , the ‘ advanced ’ states of the modern world would not necessarily emerge very favourably from a comparison of degrees of historical ‘ objectivity ’ , however defined .
7 She pushed past Julie Ndobe , grabbing a medkit from the woman 's hands , and running further into the smoke , only to fetch up hard against a metal barrier .
8 At length , the passage he has been stooping along opens out somewhat into a low chamber : he has come to the shrine of a goddess .
9 So that whole effort to raise up that estate in my patch , will flounder because of some arbitrary limit imposed by Virginia Bottomley who obviously know very well from a commanding position in Whitehall .
10 Programmes were long over , but the white screen with the volume down served not badly as a night light ; any of the lamps in the shoebox room kept Sam awake , and total darkness made him frightened .
11 Just then the noise increased dramatically , and was suddenly cut off again by a slamming door .
12 We 'd better go now otherwise in a rush .
13 Just sit there quietly for a few minutes and I 'll see if the doctor is free . ’
14 Thousands of children are being warned not to go out alone after an eleven year old girl was raped as she walked to school .
15 But mostly she just sits up there like a spider , sticking her head out of the window to insult the passers-by .
16 The Germans , who are so widely attacked for not coughing up more for a war on which they were n't consulted , are the only Western country making real sacrifices , not only to integrate East Germany , which is costing them 150 billion Dm this year , but also to help Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary and even the Soviet Union .
17 Traversing quickly left they went down , then up again , to cross an awkward ice patch , finally climbing steeply upwards in a broad couloir to the pinnacled ridge , where the red granite flickered warmly in the evening alpenglow .
18 Polymeric macromolecules have variable dimensions and thus can not pack closely together in a regular arrangement .
19 Randy and Merlin Sherwood 's beautiful mother adjusted her mascara in the driving mirror and eyed Rupert Campbell-Black who 'd just rolled up alone in a dark green Ferrari to watch his daughter , Tabitha , play in the first final for the under-fourteens .
20 Love has already come out firmly as a feminist who believes that a certain female viewpoint needs to be given space , but even she sees the dichotomy between feminism and her ‘ battered slut in baby dolls ’ image .
21 Hastily mooring up in the Wareham Channel they rowed ashore to disappear rapidly westward in a fast car , followed discreetly by some of our Southampton colleagues .
22 Ajan said : ‘ The IWF will not act officially purely on a basis of a media accusation .
23 Moreover , the regular repetitive features of a language have only a secondary kind of importance , whereas what is primarily important is the meaning which is not related significantly either to a causal order or to a statistically treatable random order .
24 muscle just came down here like a woman 's breast .
25 Lord Justice Bingham 's inquiry into the supervision of the banking group does , however , criticise PW for not shouting loudly enough at a seemingly unconcerned Bank of England in the run-up to BCCI 's collapse .
26 ‘ I have not felt so well for a long time , ’ he told the ever-comforting Jones , ‘ and shall be tempted to be very vulgar in my speech . ’
27 ‘ I have not felt so well for a long time and I shall be tempted to be very vulgar in my speech . ’
28 ‘ And I 'm not turning out much of a substitute by the looks of it , am I ? ’
29 Common turnips are quicker growing than mangolds or swedes , but are not frost-resistant and do not keep so well in a clamp .
30 Bream do not transfer successfully even to a water equally as rich as the one they came from .
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