Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was all sorted out after some confusion and a lot of ill-feeling ; the BMW people moved their boat forward so cars and trailers could get past it to the road .
2 A Sergeant with a crudely reconstructed pink blob of a nose — obviously bitten off at some stage in his professional or previous career — sat at a damascened bronze data-desk stained green with cupreous patina .
3 Mr Binyon has thought ; he has plunged into the knowledge of the East and extended the borders of occidental knowledge , and yet his mind constantly harks back to some folly of nineteenth century Europe .
4 I had noticed the name on a map but had never read a mention of it so went there in some trepidation : it seemed remote , so far from towns and railways .
5 It can only come in as some kind of ‘ emergent property ’ of all these causal interactions .
6 ‘ But apart from the fact that my mother obviously lived here at some time I know nothing at all . ’
7 He 'd loll in his chair as he was doing then , and suddenly come out with some remark that made everyone else uncomfortable .
8 for Community law does not exist only in some faraway place but forms part of our national legal system .
9 The towns which thus sprung up at some railway centres are examples of the way in which individuality was lost , and lately the housing estate has spread a new uniformity even more widely over the country .
10 I was just catching up on some paperwork .
11 But there is this thing that all of the forms are in the intellect and all of the forms ah are in the intellect and all of the forms do somehow weave together into some sort of unitary thing .
12 The situation was desperate : Holmes was away on a case , and not expected back for some time .
13 I have already done so with some success in a number of instances and I hope to continue doing so .
14 Anyways … that s all definately in the past … lets just look forward to some juicey results this year … in the mould of 6–1 vs Sheff Wed , 4–1 away to Aston Villa , 5–2 vs Blackburn , 4–1 vs Chelsea …
15 It will not run again for some time , but from the human point of view , all was well .
16 If one 's intervention is not based directly on some need for sexual assistance , how can one raise these delicate topics without provoking a defensive or offended reaction ?
17 Going for a walk , arranging to meet a friend , or just getting on with some DIY , hobby , or relaxation exercises are all likely to occupy the mind more effectively .
18 I could not go back for some time as the Germans had obviously built up their air force to great strength , so I threw in my lot with Fulham church in my rare off-duty times .
19 So , if that is the case how can we possibly lose our identity because we have n't , we 're not , there 's no suggestion if we go on an inward journey , the inward journey must be within our selves , within our individuality , not , not jumping out into some form of spacial context .
20 They brought me down that day from Edinburgh , bundled me into a transit van with seats but no windows , handcuffed to a big quiet London lad who would n't talk to me at all and did n't even say much to the other two cops in the back of the transit just sat staring ahead and we seemed to drive all night just stopping once at some service station on the Ml , took a while to arrange everything , then they came in with a selection of cans of soft drinks and sandwiches and pasties and pork pies and chocolate and we all sat there munching then they asked me did I need the toilet and I said yes and they opened the door and it was straight over the grass into the gents ' toilets , two cops guarding the door and some men , looked like truckers , standing watching me , waiting for their turn after I 'd had my private visit ; only wanted a pee but I could n't do it even though the big lad was n't actually watching just having him standing there handcuffed to me was enough so they checked the stalls and then took the cuffs off me and I had to leave the door open a crack while I went , then back out and I see the other cop cars Christ a Range Rover and a Senator too I 'm a fucking VIP , then it 's into the van and on with the journey to London where the questioning starts ; they 're concentrating on Sir Rufus 's murder , for now , because they found a card a fucking business card in the woods near the burned cottage ; not mine that would have been too obvious but a card from a guy I know on Jane 's Defence Weekly with some scribbled notes on the back :
21 If you have not worked regularly at some time since 1978 because you have had to stay at home to care for either a child or a sick or elderly person you may have protected your right to a pension by claiming HRP .
22 But after their meek collapse at the weekend , Palace made it clear from the start that they would not fold again with some juddering tackles .
23 The extremities of the cloud are rotating so fast that the cloud would disperse if it were not held together by some force of gravity .
24 Or disappear forever wiped out by some killer bug and all that will be left of them is a film in which they 're playing their own ancestors ?
25 And you think that you 're lucky to be alive in that respect , but I 've never really thought that I was specially picked out for some reason to carry on living .
26 ‘ No more dressing up for some time .
27 The hole stays the same size as the dog grows , but few of them disappear altogether and are usually operated on at some stage .
28 She was calm , her breathing even , she had possibly dozed off at some time , a thought she found quite odd .
29 This theory seems to me the most sophisticated method at present available of conceiving the relationship between musical forms and practices , on the one hand , and class interests and social structure , on the other ; more sophisticated , say , than the theories of homology put forward by some ethnomusicologists and subcultural theorists , which suggest the existence of structural ‘ resonances ’ , or homologies , between the different elements making up a socio-cultural whole. ; Such theories always end up in some kind of reductionism — ‘ upwards ’ , into an idealist cultural spirit , ‘ downwards ’ , into economism , sociologism or technologism , or by ‘ circumnavigation ’ , in a functionalist holism .
30 Most clients have usually chipped in with some comment by now . ’
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