Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 But they would have only given you a book for
2 Better make me a list for Christmas , ’ Wayne said , and he gave her his hand to help her out onto the lakeside track .
3 I can only give you a tool for good .
4 Even in rugby , the Afrikaners ' passion , the formation of a single non-racial administrative body is imminent ; the octogenarian rugby boss , Danie Craven , has long thought it a game for robust men of all races , and in 1988 angered Mr de Klerk by sending an emissary to contact , among others , the African National Congress — one of whose leaders is now working to dismantle the boycott .
5 The period of separation from her husband not only gives her an opportunity for physical recuperation , but also gives the couple a chance to relate to each other in a non-physical way .
6 You know to encourage him t well why not just send them a voucher for seventy f seventy five pounds to go towards an ticket next time they book ?
7 I told the hon. Gentleman that I could not give him the information for which he asked until October , when the 1991 population figures would become available .
8 ‘ The authorities will not give me a penny for my land ’ , he said .
9 He did not give me the money for either .
10 just going to Palace Brook Castle , she 's not really sure she might just give us a pound for erm .
11 You see , he 's not just asking them a question for the sake of it , he is actually trying to teach these , these blind folks , er er , these , these blind men , er er er some spiritual truth .
12 Lord Salmon gave as an example two instances of the valuation of a picture , the first for a client who does not tell him the reason for the valuation , and the second where the client tells him the valuation is needed because he is about to sell the picture to a friend .
13 The comforting knowledge that at least she will get as far as the British Embassy tonight gives her the strength for attack .
14 Since the industry is in any case organized in some particulars by the Milk Marketing Board , a governmental agency , why not award them the contract for nationwide milk supply ?
15 I can still give them a run for their money .
16 And he said he would bring the mince in to do the , like give them the money for a pound of mince and a packet of
17 This at once gave me the idea for the experimental design I wanted .
18 The good news is that the phlegmatic , orderly and systematic British attitude to defending the goal still makes us a match for the best .
19 Young and eager , he was well placed to capture the emergent UK rap scene , and his forthright personality also made him a match for America 's often egoistic rap stars .
20 If a builder has already worked with you to obtain the above , he will also give you an estimate for the work .
21 In any case , if a writer has managed to put some key point rather well , why not both give him the credit for doing so , and at the same time avoid struggling to reinvent the wheel ?
22 It is this concern about what is happening that gets me out of my studio into the landscape carefully to scrutinise its every aspect for meanings .
23 It also gives us a date for the great change : the abandonment of archaic conventions ( which we have seen being worked towards for some decades ) and the creation of the new , classical , style .
24 It also gave him the excuse for being able to claim a whole series of ‘ expenditures ’ on his taxation forms , such as furnishings , heating , materials and travel .
25 Besides giving Anselm his only opportunity for showing his abilities in action , the Council of 1102 also gave him an opportunity for displaying his primatial ideal in practice .
26 One is that along with being spoilt and all those nice things , it also makes you a target for being used and taken advantage of .
27 The kidnap has apparently been perpetrated by a cell of international terrorists , and that automatically makes it a matter for state security .
28 The unstoppable pair of Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent are doubling up to make it a foursome for the race from Mortlake to Putney tomorrow .
29 ‘ I have accepted a challenge laid down by Mr Plumpton of Greycoats School that this school will field a tetrathlon team against his own team , good enough to really give them a run for their money , if not to beat them .
30 Nevertheless , with all my lack of experience , the chairman of the division unhesitatingly gave me the responsibility for leading the mission , and it proved to be a turning point in my career .
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