Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it says it lasts up to two years , we 've only had it on there a year
2 He was also possessive ; he only allowed me out twice a week — Wednesday 's Youth Club and Thursday 's Sally Carmichael 's dancing class — and accompanied me to both ( pity he did n't come to the Cricket Lover 's Ball ) .
3 It was dusk when Pete finally made it back up the track to the old wooden cottage .
4 Inadequacies of design soon reveal themselves in even the simplest of hand-dug water wells .
5 Moray and Robert Stewart had similar tales to tell of the poor leadership and rash foolishness at Halidon Hill , although being themselves young and inexperienced they did not see it in quite the same terms as had the veteran Keith .
6 So you 've just got to work out some way that 'll make sense to you for remembering which way round they go and probably one good way is just write them out quite a few times think of a lot of words beginning with D.
7 She 's also a regular on Roseanne , where a small part playing Tom Arnold 's kooky wife has been beefed up to include her in almost every other episode in the next series .
8 And perhaps Van Dyck does n't flatter him in quite the way , flatter 's the wrong word , sort of transmutes him in the way that he often does in his very elegant and sophisticated portraits .
9 I do n't think Billy has even seen her in over a year . ’
10 I have n't seen him in over a year . ’
11 Do n't mess me up again , because I could n't cope with it , I could n't put myself back together a second time ! ’
12 Time does n't worry them in nearly the same way .
13 I 'll pay you what I owe and then get it back off the agency . ’
14 The water company then charges you in much the same way as the gas and electricity companies do .
15 Was the Queen about to warn her in much the same way as Simon de Villiers had done ?
16 ‘ Well , if this war wound stands up ter walkin' up those stairs I might be able ter get it down ter the dustbin for yer , ’ he said with a grimace .
17 Well , Maudie 'ands 'im a pile o' leaflets she got from the church an' tells 'im ter 'and 'em out ter the carmen .
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