Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [vb infin] [pron] i " in BNC.

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1 Long enough to let me do what I need to do in Lothian .
2 Mm it does n't really look as if it it 's got ta be about that thick coming down do you see what I mean ?
3 in fact the girl who did the mailing for them did n't do it properly so in fact it 's unlikely to happen erm they asked me because I know that since she 's now leaving the Vice-Principal through network erm and and they were thinking of getting something together like that , I did n't write this that 's not my writing but just let me tell you I do n't write a twenty- four clock , twenty-four hour clock with full stops in it
4 Just let me know what I have to sign — make as much of it as possible over to yourself , and get on with it .
5 Am I seeing Did you did you just Did you see what I saw ?
6 Having days off d' ya know what I mean ?
7 ‘ It really made me appreciate what I have — my job , my family and my home , ’ he said .
8 Now do you see what I 've been saying all along ? ’
9 He did n't make me do anything I did n't want to .
10 Well d' ya know what I have n't to your place yet , the , fireplace .
11 But it 's sad you that ca n't do you know what I mean , they all start lumping together .
12 Then let me outline what I want from you .
13 Then let me tell you I 'm very disappointed in you .
14 If that seems too simple , then let me put what I believe to be a far more cogent argument , By bringing ‘ God ’ into this , are we not merely shifting something off ourselves ?
15 Those eighty six , why did you say yes when yo when I er ho how did you interpret what I said about worrying ?
16 How do you know what I 'd like ? ’
17 How do you know who I am , Mr Conchis ? ’
18 How do you know who I am ? ’
19 And not only that , but where are they coming from , and how do I signal who I am ?
20 How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
21 E. M. Forster 's ‘ How do I know what I think till I see what I say ’ ) .
22 Why did I say what I said just now ?
23 That 's , that 's from er I was looking for something else where did I wonder what I 've done with those .
24 When did you discover what I 've just told you ? ’
25 Why does everybody tell me I ought to watch my drinking when they 're all so busy watching it for me ?
26 Until she said in front of the Rembrandt , ‘ Do n't you think he got the teeniest bit bored halfway through — I mean I never feel I feel what I ought to feel .
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