Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 De Gaulle obviously expected her to say something like : ‘ So much is evident from the content . ’
2 The good lady thought that he was shy , and constantly twitted him to bring him into the talk ; Paul hoped that she would get over it as the days passed , and this proved to be the case .
3 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
4 Yeah , I thought you 'd only bought it to keep it for a year or two
5 Ya so that if the goes up to thirty thousand the reserve might be large enough to give it to sell it for that price .
6 He might well be creating havoc with her pulse-rate , but he was only doing it to comfort her after a bad day ; it did n't mean there was anything personal in the action .
7 Audience were the brainchild of Howard Werth , a band whose art rock attracted such luminaries as David Bowie , Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd enough to invite them to join them on tour .
8 And if he was engaged on some scheme of his own , she had better leave him to pursue it without interference .
9 ’ You can not teach a man anything , you can only help him to find it within himself .
10 I was pleased that he could come , although I did not want him to discover anything about my horrible work .
11 Liz was prepared to allow the therapist to talk to her parents , but she did not want her to tell them about her problems concerning the shop , preferring to discuss these with them herself .
12 But he did not want them to follow him under any false delusion .
13 This was largely because the Dutch were conscious that they were operating on a narrow margin , and they did not want anything to distract them from their main purpose , which was to bring goods for trade and re-export to their great complex of ports , banks , and merchant houses around Amsterdam .
14 I decided to try to ignore it as I did not want anything to distract me from my purpose .
15 When two sentences are placed together in sequence by a writer who does not want us to consider them as a continuous text , their separateness or disconnectedness must be positively indicated .
16 She has wonderful parents who have already taught her to multiply lots of numbers .
17 It would be better to admit that these murderous wishes and impulses exist than to deny them , and feel guilt-laden as a result of not allowing ourselves to see them for what they are .
18 The grid size can easily be increased or decreased at any stage during the design process , thus allowing you to create anything from a tiny motif to a large electronic or intarsia design that would cover a complete garment piece .
19 I just want you to judge her with a fuller picture at your disposal .
20 I just want you to know nothing of that kind will happen again — ever . ’
21 Vienna Dear Fräulein Arandt , I am sorry you could not bring yourself to tell me about your parents .
22 And a photographer told how he saw a girl of about six so severely burned that a fireman could not bring himself to treat her by dousing her with a hose .
23 She wanted desperately to confide in someone about this , but once again found it impossible to find anyone suitable her mother was too distraught , her father was dead , and she could not bring herself to mention it to Miriam for fear of provoking some too blunt observations on the mysterious workings of a lady 's insides .
24 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
25 So , whilst they may encourage an atmosphere of informal comradeship and sociable learning , college teachers are not your equals and you should not expect them to treat you as such .
26 And even if they do know , they 'll not expect us to pursue it after this , neh ? ’
27 ‘ I really can not expect you to accept me after the way in which I have behaved , and then was wicked enough to read your private book , and the cuttings are there , I knew that you would want them back , and I expect that you will wish to make a career in journalism , and why accept a poor doctor , no need to do that , you can always live on your father 's allowance and what a remarkable man he is , so like you , or earn your living by your pen … ’
28 A single instance of B , and of B on its own , can not enable us to associate it with A. The universe as a whole , however , is just such a single instance : we have no direct experience either of other worlds or of world-designers .
29 It would not surprise us to see something like this over the next few months . ’
30 ‘ You 've just hired someone to help you with the children , and I 've already laid on a cleaning lady . ’
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