Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [noun] just [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it would be odd logic not to repair the machine just because the current might one day be cut off again .
2 Ven was his own man and if he wanted to eat anything more then she was certain that he 'd hardly forgo a pudding just because she did n't want one .
3 True , it is a risk — many a spring in Britain has thrown a frost at us in April , even May is not unknown — but you are not going to be so daft as to muffle up and go out to do the pruning just because the date or some idiot article says the time is right .
4 Dramatic results are obtained when you go forwards to meet the opponent just as he attacks .
5 I had no intention then , or ever after , of joining any group or ‘ movement ’ and I therefore sidestepped the Vorticists just as I sidestepped both the Imagists and the Amygists .
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