Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] if [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We had plenty of the ball but we did not look as if we could do anything from our set plays and we did not look likely to score from them . ’
2 She did not look as if she might be dying of some dreadful disease .
3 Nearly ten years after Belsey 's book appeared , there has been no revolution in the first sense , and it does not look as if there will be .
4 But Crumwallis in his present state did not look as if he would provide a soothing influence upstairs .
5 Paul , in his shabby old suit , did not look as if he could pay for anything ; and the lawyer had sized him up .
6 ‘ I believe there is n't anyone here that I would not meet with if they would be willing to meet with me .
7 He just felt as if he 'd run full tilt into a brick wall .
8 GEORGE Carey has always looked as if he might be more comfortable in a cloth cap than a mitre .
9 I WAS SAD to hear that ‘ Gaffer ’ ( Walter Mimpriss ) is dead , but sadder still that his obituary ( by John MacDougall , 25 September ) did not evoke the memory of a tall , lean , gangly man , with bent shoulders , who always looked as if he should have cow-dung on his theatre wellies , writes Marion Crouchman .
10 My head rang with that particular vibration of accidental pain , a tintinnabulating effect that always feels as if it should have preceded its cause — by way of a warning .
11 Your , your correct address is , is road is n't it , it 's still reads as if it might not be , please note that on the membership list , Velma 's address is not Avenue .
12 His bony legs , which usually felt as if they would collapse beneath him , felt firmer , stronger .
13 It always sounded as if one should have known , had been told before and was rather foolish to have forgotten .
14 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
15 Yet another pianist — and one who also sounds as if he might list Herbie Hancock or Chick Corea as his most direct influences — is Kenny Kirkland ( b. 1957 ) with an eponymous album just released over here ( ) .
16 It now looks as if we will have try again . ’
17 MITI had hoped to get the legislation through by next month , but it now looks as if it will have to wait until autumn before the ministries have talked it over .
18 Mr Clinton wanted energy producers to absorb the tax ; after strenuous lobbying , it now looks as if it will be fully passed on to consumers .
19 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
20 ‘ I do n't feel as if I 'll ever be thirsty again . ’
21 The armholes looked too short , the sleeves did n't look as if they would fit and the bust size was nowhere near the size that was required .
22 It does n't look as if it 'll factorize easily .
23 He says ‘ SAG efforts are frozen , it ca n't decide which way to go and does n't look as if it will ever get its act together . ’
24 ‘ You do n't look as if you could get anything right .
25 However it does n't look as if he 'll take the presidency there .
26 Alexander was a tall man with a thin , unsmiling face and black , cold eyes who did n't look as if he could possibly be anybody 's very dear friend .
27 Very handy with a hip flask , but did n't look as if he could tell a Renoir from a Renault .
28 After all , he knew Mr Parnham better than she did and he did n't look as if he could be fooled at all .
29 ‘ I know he does n't look as if he can , but it 's a very strong possibility . ’
30 par but bad news for American Kristal Parker who we also saw earlier , she 's finished nine over par and does n't look as if she 'll be going through to the next stage .
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