Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 One of the main reasons for the Soviet failure to undermine Latin American reliance on Western imports is that Soviet industrial machinery and equipment is widely considered to be inferior in quality to its capitalist produced counterparts .
2 I do so want to be pure in body and mind .
3 Processed food , therefore , not only tends to be deficient in essential nutrients but also contains an increasing array of possibly toxic artificial chemicals .
4 Marriage and the family were only thought to be relevant in considering young women 's careers , not young men 's .
5 ‘ It 's not necessarily going to be present in our relationship for the rest of our lives .
6 It is fundamentally important that these 12 Steps are actually worked rather than recited or merely thought to be nice in theory .
7 But here he confuses the issue , for while print may well have initially encouraged authors to focus on an individual 's perception and cognition of the world , this does not mean that this technique is necessarily bound to be dominant in printed texts , for as the novel evolved , so did the concept of point of view .
8 No wonder Peter lacked confidence and spent all his time merely trying to be amusing in the face of Marc 's uncompromising thirst for excellence !
9 Apart from the wish not to annoy members or waste money on postage and printing , the Trust does not want to be anti-environmental in its use of paper .
10 HI FI enthusiasts who do not want to be involved in new-fangled digital technology now have a fresh analogue controversy to get their teeth into .
11 The Consumer Credit Trade Association is considering the NCC proposals , but Director John Patrick FICM said that his initial thoughts were that the CCTA would not want to be involved in collecting a levy .
12 The Library specifically does not want to be involved in Public Services ’ commercial loan scheme for publishers .
13 ‘ We do not need that kind of publicity and do not want to be involved in that sort of thing .
14 These suggestions illustrate the flexibility of the provision and are not intended to be prescriptive in any way .
15 If lemon verbena was not included to be tender in cool temperate climates , it would be in every herb garden or wherever perfume is valued by the gardener .
16 All they are interested in — all they are generally permitted to be interested in — is whether they get a reasonable pension at the end of the day .
17 It will be seen that much Christian teaching on love is reflected in what has been outlined above , and that Gandhi 's teaching concerning non-possession goes beyond what is normally considered to be involved in the vow of poverty in certain Christian orders .
18 Though all members of a cycle group do not need to be competent in all five of the recognised face skills , the team as a whole must be able to deploy sufficient resources on each shift to man the roles likely to arise .
19 Most of the delinquent youngsters with whom I worked — I stress most , not all — did not need to be involved in delinquent activity .
20 Senses need to represent unitary ‘ quanta ’ of meaning , but they do not need to be finite in number .
21 Rollers do not need to be circular in order to offer constant breadth .
22 Are women not expected to be interested in computing ?
23 Teachers should not seek to be involved in every aspect of the school — administrative/clerical , catering and many aspects of the pastoral function should be contracted out to specialist providers .
24 He turned on his heel , and she stumbled after him , not wanting to be alone in the eerie garden where even the birds had been subdued by the fog .
25 Immunological abnormalities are generally accepted to be involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis .
26 However , as the Philips Report ( HMSO 1954 ) pointed out : ‘ The contribution to be expected from any likely postponement of retirement would not appear to be large in relation to total available manpower . ’
27 You will thus benefit from being clear in what you are aiming at and successfully achieving it more often than not
28 Rational thought and behaviour are generally thought to be dependent in some ways upon an ability to reason logically .
29 I do not claim to be comprehensive in what follows , rather my aim has been to assess some of the main features of kin support in the past which have particular relevance to the central theme of this book — how important are duty , obligation and responsibility in motivating the support which people give to their relatives ?
30 At the moment profits are not going to be vast in the shops , but we believe this is a huge market . ’
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