Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It probably sums up the case and we can discuss it and perhaps add to it at that time .
2 She 's only limping on it at certain times cos she came rushing into my bedroom last night and you were n't limping then !
3 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
4 Another man had been at the table for some time but Beales only looked at him at this point , curious to know who MacQuillan was with .
5 Louise , as beautiful as ever , the lines of her face almost invisible since her most recent facelift , wearing the latest sheath dress from Dior , its narrow shape flattering her slender figure , sat opposite him calmly and charmingly talking about nothing at all .
6 ‘ In truth , ’ Suragai said , ‘ I did not think of you at all .
7 — or does not think of you at all .
8 When we at last learned his name , we had not heard of him at all .
9 ‘ I 'm here strictly for business and being dissected does not appeal to me at all .
10 One is that he is rather clean and tidy and polite and fastidious as a person ; the sweatier , wilder , rawer , dirtier areas of human sexuality do not appeal to him at all .
11 He was not looking at me at all .
12 Suppose that my friend was not looking for me at all .
13 Not looking for you at all .
14 Otherwise you 'll , you 'll not speak to him at all cos I shall just pick the phone up and say
15 He had not written anything he had not already said to me at different times ’ . ’
16 He picked up the cases and she took their hand-cases and they walked home , passing three separate black people who looked at them with silent hostility and two elderly white women who did not look at them at all .
17 She kept her eyes lowered to make sure that she did not look at me at this moment , at my own quite irrelevant scars .
18 If businessmen regard the increase in demand as temporary , they may not respond to it at all : this will be the case if they are generally pessimistic about the future level of economic activity .
19 It 's just er a small section of foot of a footnote which gives an account of the history of the clause in er of the section in the er Police Act of nineteen sixty four with which we are dealing and of course Your Lordships will be well aware that we moved on from Section er from the Sections of the Police Act , we 're not dealing with them at all , we 're dealing with what has happened to those Clauses since and I thought perhaps Your Lordship might Your Lordships might be interested in the sort of guidance which is made available th so , so fortunately to us and so that we can have our minds very clearly focused upon the issues .
20 You will say I ought to have informed you I would not part with the boy in such circumstances as you had taken trouble to describe but until I saw the girl I was not sure in my own mind what to do and only made it up when confronted with her and not taking to her at all .
21 But mostly I try not to think about him at all .
22 The fact is that , in an age when players were never encouraged or expected to be adaptable , the only positions that Billy did not fill for us at one time or another were those of goalkeeper , centre-forward and centre-half .
23 National interest did not come into it at all .
24 Logic does not come into it at all .
25 Sometimes she wished Will would not write to her at all , if he would send no messages to Daniel .
26 If you have a query about anything concerning the outdoor world why not write to us at Outdoor Action ?
27 I 'm not talking to anyone at all and I certainly do n't want to talk to you ever again . ’
28 Superstitiously , perhaps , protectively more like , he did not care to explain it or examine it much and he would not interfere with it at all .
29 Even if the quarrel is not started by you at all , you will be less able to cope and respond appropriately if you are already slightly under the weather .
30 ‘ Must you ? ’ she said , still half asleep and not thinking of anything at all except David .
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