Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] in that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nemeth said of Hungary 's transition to multiparty democracy that " the revolution happened not only because people did not want to live in that way , but also because the government did not want to govern in that way " .
2 Nemeth said of Hungary 's transition to multiparty democracy that " the revolution happened not only because people did not want to live in that way , but also because the government did not want to govern in that way " .
3 And they 've just finished playing in that Championship match at Tuffley Park .
4 She just wanted to stay in that house .
6 But I do n't really want to compete in that world ; I want to do it a bit differently , something a bit more personal .
7 I think there are two points there , firstly I think that the York greenbelt should not be drawn overly tightly , it should allow for some provision for peripheral post two thousand and six , because there will be inevitably demands arising in that period , which can not be met in the new settlement , and I disagree with the County Council on their approach on that matter .
8 What you did n't want to do in that case , no
9 Want was all he could do , for his body had long ago ceased to function in that way .
10 ‘ She does n't need to look in that mirror at all ! ’
11 We are n't going to live in that house as they do .
12 The Profitboss does n't see selling in that way at all .
13 ‘ I do n't think she would have submitted — I would n't have done in that position — but she would definitely have lost consciousness and that would have given me the title . ’
14 Ruth could n't have spoken in that moment , even to say she did n't understand .
15 And astronomers would never have looked in that area , in that region , perhaps radio astronomy , unless you 'd asked them to ?
16 Actually , Jan is a very sweet lady and a good professional and she would happily have stayed in that room — but it would have been wrong .
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