Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He reached for his handkerchief and dabbed his forehead again — a cold , clammy sweat that only seemed to have surfaced in the last half an hour .
2 Knighthood was not yet a status sought after by the middling and lesser nobility of the south-west , and the rise of new men as milites only seems to have begun in the mid thirteenth century .
3 Also , habitation only seems to have lasted for a short time , and Aggersborg may never have been finished .
4 ’ Maria only seems to get married for the sake of being free .
5 Part of , part of the furniture , yes what do you want , there 's no problem with parcels , and so again it becomes far less difficult to discuss erm , a business conversation , and sometimes it 's a conversation about football , and they 're all a load of complete , because that 's part of , er , that 's one of the joys of er , er , having been doing something for long enough to have got known within the , within the patch .
6 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
7 As they drew nearer Joseph could see the flat peasant faces of the four Annamese boys clearly ; they were wide-eyed with apprehension , but obviously determined to remain rooted to the spot until the last moment .
8 ‘ So would you have done in the circumstances , ’ he said wearily , not wanting to get drawn into an argument .
9 However , the history of the Channel Tunnel is generally said to have begun with the 1820 proposal of French mining engineer Albert Mathieu-Favier for a road tunnel lit by gas and ventilated through chimneys emerging above sea level .
10 Notwithstanding these excesses of zeal , the Evangelical Alliance booklet does not appear to have gone over the top .
11 But , strikingly , Hitler 's personal preoccupation with ‘ the struggle against the Jews ’ does not appear to have figured as a leading component of his image for the bulk of the population .
12 Although his brother , the Rev. Arthur Oakeley ( then squire of Lydham ) does not appear to have approved of the proposed Bishop 's Castle Railway and did not attend the Opening , Commander Henry Oakeley , R.N. ( Retd. ) was very interested .
13 The court in Philippou does not appear to have known of the dictum in McHugh .
14 So , in their own interest , the firms should be very careful that the finger is not pointed at them , that they are not seen to have acted in a way that abuses their power and cuts across their independence and integrity . ’
15 The split between the Whigs and Tories is normally thought to have corresponded to a fundamental economic cleavage amongst the English upper classes , between the monied and the landed interests .
16 Everybody , unless they 've been had their head in the ground for the last thirteen years , know damn well that they 're not going to get housed off the needs register particularly quickly and they only go to people who are most unable to be housed by any other means are going to bother even to put their names on the needs register .
17 He is not thought to have returned to the flat in Chelsea where he lived alone .
18 The tickets already sold have gone to an established network of football fans , Rothenberg said .
19 I am not attacking the intellectual and musical meritocracy of Oxford and Cambridge for I do not wish to become embroiled in a political argument .
20 If this subsequently turns out to be incorrect , since we would not wish to feel constrained by the set fee , we will charge for outlays incurred .
21 Although we certainly do not wish to get diverted into a consideration of the nominal patterns of English , we may mention that even in a case like : ( 6 ) Claudia is a bus-driver we have no doubt that the relation is still one of equation .
22 She was already starting to feel battered by the increased level of the sound , and it was a relief to get out into the lower buzz and the cooler lights .
23 However , wood from Trelleborg now implies a construction date of c.980 , and if the other camps are of the same period this would seem to be too early for a connection with Danish raids on England , which are not known to have begun until a decade later ( but see pages 20-2 ) .
24 That is money which the carmakers would sooner have seen invested in the business .
25 The process towards European integration is generally acknowledged to have begun with the declaration by Robert Schuman , on 9 May 1950 , which led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community on 18 April 1951 .
26 However , I do not intend to get embroiled in the arguments between the districts and the counties .
27 The lesson of Mr Krenz is that those who can not cope get crushed by the engine ..
28 Nevertheless taxation does not seem to have fallen on the whole population .
29 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
30 Over recent years much work has been done to promote more positive images of women in mathematics , but this does not seem to have developed into a comparable awareness concerning race or class .
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