Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] and [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Manchester United , Liverpool , Forest and Villa had all won Europe 's champion trophy — with only Bayern and Hamburg from the Bundesliga being successful .
2 The proposed ABI , designed to ensure binary compatibility of applications within an architecture and offer a common denominator porting environment that all can work with , embraces media formats , TCP/IP , X11R5 , perhaps multi-media and extensions to the graphical user interface .
3 If we had really reached a state where a bloody and unprovoked attack on four unarmed members of our police provoked only glee and pleasure in the public then neither I , nor anyone else , would be living in a country we recognised .
4 In Four years old in an urban community ( 1968 ) and Seven years old in the home environment ( 1976 ) , we are given a detailed picture of the domestic background of a group of young readers and young non-readers , perhaps readers and non-readers in the making .
5 Further west , only Illinois and Missouri in the centre of the country plus a block of three in the far west ( Arizona , Nevada and Utah ) failed to give the Amendment support by the due date .
6 With Waitrose down south and Sainsburys round the corner they have to .
7 This he did behind a barn , using an axe ; but found only plates and dishes in the case .
8 Instead of limited liberal-democracy they saw unrestrained mass democracy pushing the state into ever more intervention ; instead of responsible party government they saw adversary politics ; and instead of the harmony of pluralist group competition they saw only overload and hyperpluralism with the trade unions as the new lads on the top .
9 Only Spain and Ireland of the 11 other Common Market countries record a higher rate .
10 For example , changes in the Earth 's climate involve not only winds and clouds in the atmosphere , but also the interactive effect of the biosphere , ocean currents , human influences on atmospheric chemistry , the Earth 's orbital characteristics , the reflective properties of the planet , and the distribution of water between atmosphere , hydrosphere and cryosphere ’ .
11 There were only shelves and drawers in the Nannie cupboard , so she was obliged to hang it by the loops of its sash from a hook on the back of the door .
12 There will also be sheltered women only workshops and songs from the women 's perspective .
13 Quite right too , and naturally later in the series there will be men only workshops and songs from the men 's perspective .
14 Although people cut down fats and sugar in the 1980s following official advice , there were more fat and very fat people in 1987 than in 1980 , Dr David Buss told nutritionists and doctors at a Royal College of Physicians conference in London .
15 At the beginning of the nineteenth century there were only tracks and canals in the Low Country , and paths in Kandyan districts .
16 THE RUSSIAN and Ukrainian Presidents struggling for power over the Black Sea Fleet may be pleasing their nationalist countrymen , but the sailors at the fleet 's Crimean headquarters feel only shame and humiliation at the spectacle of a historic navy in chaos .
17 Scottish Enterprise , the successor to the Scottish Development Agency which was the driving force behind the plan to bring in leisure and commerce to the Waterfront , has given the council seven days to pay for extensive infrastructure works or face court proceedings .
18 But it was not only officers and members of the WEA and the District who were pleased with the final agreement over the rural areas scheme and the conclusion of negotiations of byzantine complexity extending over a period of four difficult years .
19 Some tanned the leather in season , or boiled down hoof and horn in the great vats that stood inside the ramshackle building of the tannery itself .
20 Most of the twenty or so men and women in the Cabinet are well known to one another and have worked together over some years .
21 The point here is that unlike myself , who am after all , in a fairly privileged position of being able to examine texts in detail from a single point of view , i.e. gender , teachers are in the business of bringing together children and books in the busy context of the school classroom , and with a multiplicity of aims .
22 and I say we 're going , getting shopping only fruit and veg in the market then he comes back with about four big library books !
23 Then to follow , superb seafood — especially swordfish and tuna along the coast , a wide use of fresh vegetables and many dishes flavoured with hot red peppers .
24 Prominent events at the hepatocyte membrane after induction of DNA synthesis in rat livers by partial hepatectomy include down regulation and phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) receptor .
25 When it convened Joseph instructed the white men to leave the valley , and turn over Findley and McNall to the Nez Perce for trial .
26 Throughout the tenth and eleventh centuries the Counts of Anjou had belonged to a group of princes who were alternately enemies and allies in the struggle for land and power in northern and western Gaul .
27 I am bound to say that I do not believe that this debate has reached the level of fizz that one might have associated with a Bill that was to be fought doggedly tooth and nail by the Opposition .
28 After a mile or so the Old Man is reached , just south and west of the actual Point Of Stoer ( 25 minutes ) .
29 Mist filtered away sound and colour from the forest .
30 He published Directions for Bringing over Seeds and Plants from the East Indies and other Distant Countries in a State of Vegetation ( 1770 ) and one method he favoured was to coat seeds in wax to protect them from extreme temperatures .
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